“Now you are the body of Christ and each of you is a part of it.” I Corinthians 12:27
Kyle pitching...2010
Please note: Thanks for my dear hubby writing today's blog. I'm in the midst of putting together our church's Women's Retreat for this weekend, and life feels crazy. His sweetness to me is a blessing. I love you, honey!
Rain pending, today is Kyle’s first game of Spring baseball. In typical Idaho Spring fashion, we are expecting a high temperature of 50 degrees! I guess it’s time to break out the bleacher seats, jackets, gloves, blankets and windbreakers!
Baseball, like life, is a team effort. This year Kyle plays for the Kansas Jayhawks. As a team member, Kyle’s preparation, performance, and his attitude affect the entire team. When he succeeds, his team succeeds and when he fails his team does as well. In baseball, it’s clear to see who’s team you are on. Each player wears a uniform bearing the logo, colors and name of his team.
In living for Christ we, too, are a part of a larger team. When we “step out onto the field” we represent not only ourselves, but our brothers and sisters in Christ. We share a common goal and we ultimately wear the colors of Jesus, our Savior.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help Lyssa and Kyle to see their lives as connected to the lives of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you would help them always value and steward well their relationships with fellow team mates in Christ. I pray you would teach them concern for others ahead of themselves and that they would develop a deep and life long love for Your church. In Christ, Amen.

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