Today is my 300th blog post. I hardly can believe it. I began this journey last September, and it dawned on me today, that in all this time, I haven't specifically written a blog praying for my children's sexual purity. I think about it all the time, and so it seriously surprised me as I searched through my posts.
So, I don't necessarily have an story to share, or a lesson to give, except that God calls His children to live pure and holy lives, and that includes avoiding any sexual immorality. Our world teaches the opposite every night on t.v., and more and more sex before marriage is becoming acceptable. I want it to be different for Alyssa and Kyle. I want them to be able to give the gift of their purity to their spouses on their wedding day.
Old fashion, but truly a part of God's perfect plan.
Lord, you call your children to live holy and blameless lives, and that includes avoiding any hint of sexual immorality. You have made sex to be something truly beautiful when it is between a man and wife, in the context of marriage. Holy Spirit convict their hearts, even now, to make the decision to refrain from anything that leads to sexual impurity. Speak to them, and fill them with courage, conviction and strength when temptation is near. Remind them of your desire and plan for their lives, and that you will honor their relationships and marriage if they follow your guidelines for purity. Lord, help them make wise choices, that lead to lives that glorify you. Even now, dear Jesus, be doing the same work in the lives of those who will be their spouse. May they find true loves, who have waited expectantly, and in purity, just the way you've designed it to be. May their marriages be blessed abundantly because of their strong commitments to remain pure. I pray, Lord, that we live lives that are holy and honorable to you!

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