Monday, July 26, 2010

The Cell Phone Blues

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have..."  Hebrews 13:5

Sometimes I feel like contentment is an illusive thing in the lives of my children.  There's always a better phone, the need for more clothes, and wishes for more "toys".  Ebay is one of Kyle's favorite hang-out spots on the web.  When he's tired with one thing, we can sell it and get something even better.

For example, cell phones seem to come and go in our household.  When one gets old and used, or no longer is the "cool" gadget, it goes up for sale and is sent to another owner.  Then the search begins for the dream phone.  Once the purchase is made there is a week of anxious waiting for it to arrive in our mailbox.  At first the phone brings all the happiness dreamed of, but somewhere in there dissatisfaction once again shows itself. 

I know that I don't always have contentment, and have a list of wants too.  Sometimes I really have to check myself, and lay down my selfish desires because I know it's not really a need.  Contentment can happen when I allow God to fill in my "empty spaces", and be the center of my heart. 

So, maybe this can be taught to our children by my example, or maybe it will just be God doing a work in them all on His own. 

Either way, I'm hoping we won't have to buy something on ebay for a while! 

Lord, you are the giver of so many good things in our lives.  We are rich beyond measure.  However, in our humanness we long for bigger and better things.  Teach me, and our children, to be content with what we have.  Keep our lives free from the love of money, and from the belief that more "things" will make us happy.  Fill our hearts with you, dear Jesus, so that it is you we long for with all that we are.  Help my children to be content with a little, and be satisfied with only the things that they need.  Keep them from gluttony, greed, envy, and lust of things that don't bring true satisfaction.  You alone, Lord, can fill our children's every need, and bring the ultimate joy, happiness and peace that they long for.  Thank you, Jesus, for giving us all that is good!

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