Today I received a couple of unexpected, and very thoughtful e-mails. Both of them encouraging me in the ways they see God using me. I'm not sure what prompted these women and their sweet words, but it touched me. Sometimes it's easy to be discouraged, or feel inadequate in the roles God calls me to, but those little notes cheer me on, and encourage me to press on toward the goal.
I hope my kids have huge cheerleaders in their lives. People who are shouting praise, raising their hands in jubilation, and thanking God for the ways they reflect Him. What joy they will bring as they live out God's purpose and call on their lives, especially when they walk through hard or discouraging times.
I also pray that I can be that kind of person for someone else...even my kids. I hope they know that I will always be one of their biggest cheerleaders!
Go, Lyssa and Kyle!!!!
What a blessing it is, Lord, that you use other people in our lives to encourage and bless us. You use their words to "heal our bones", or bring light into dark places. Sometimes even a quick hug, melts away the anxiety, worry, or loneliness. Words though seem to speak to our deepest needs, and can change our hearts or minds in a minute, giving us pause to refocus, pay attention, and remember our purpose. Lord, bring other people into our children's lives that encourage them, and build them up, in the ways that draw them closer to you. Give them cheerleaders that encourage their gifts, talents, ministries, and callings from you in their lives. Help them set aside words from others that discourage or hurt, but look to you for truth and healing. Lord, I know you have great plans for Alyssa and Kyle's life, but even then our human tendency is to doubt and be discouraged. Mark their lives with cheerleaders and encouragers, dear Jesus!

1 comment:
YOU are my cheerleader! I love you dearly and am thankful the Lord planted you in my life!! -Shel
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