Alyssa sitting at a ball game...June 2010
I wonder how Lyssa is doing in Mexico. I get little glimpses into the going ons over there through their group blog, but it's not the same as seeing her here at home, face to face. I wonder if there have been things that have caused her to be sad or lonely. I've wondered if there have been times where she has been anxious or frightened. Has God impressed things on her heart? And is she reveling in the things she is experiencing?
I'm sure there are people all around her that she can go to when she is faced with some of these feelings, but I pray that she will also have opportunities where all she can do is lean on Jesus, and entrust to Him the things of her heart. There is no better listener, and no one greater to understand what she is going through.
Entrust Him with your heart today, Lyss! I miss you!
Lord, I know that you are whom I have believed, and am convinced that you are able to guard what I have entrusted to you for this day. I entrust to you our children. I pray, dear Jesus, that they come to personal, first-hand knowledge, of speaking to you and entrusting to you the cares of their hearts. May they be convinced that you are able to handle all their cares and concerns. Show them the power of prayer, and that they can speak to you about all their worries, dreams, fears, and hopes. Give them a front row seat to your promise fulfilled that when they seek you, they will find you, and when they ask, you will answer. Lord, help them not to always look to others to fill the need in their lives to unload on another person, but to come to you when they have burdens too heavy to carry alone. Teach them that prayer can be a sweet conversation with their Savior, Redeemer, and Lord. Father, open their ears that they may hear you speak clearly to their every need. Thank you for prayer, dear Jesus, and that it allows us to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. May our children learn of that reality in their own lives.

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