My precious babies, receive Christ Jesus as Lord.
Lord, I pray that you are Savior and Lord of Alyssa and Kyle's lives. Today may they choose to serve you and live totally devoted to you. Be Lord of their hearts!
Continue to live lives in Him.
Living in you takes choice and obedience, daily deciding to follow you. I pray that every step Alyssa and Kyle take is deeply bathed in prayer and seeking. Lord, fill them with your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Be their strength and hope each day.
Develop roots deep in Christ and a foundation that is strong.
Your Word promises that you are always with us, but I pray that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to be WITH you, and come to know you deeply and intimately. May they come to you daily and spend time getting to know you. I pray that they things that they've been taught will be an important foundation to their faith. Roots that are grown deep in you will help Alyssa and Kyle withstand the storms of life and help them to stand strong. Lord, be their One true foundation.
Overflowing with thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is an outpouring of a life lived in you. I pray that praise and thankfulness are true characteristics of Alyssa and Kyle's hearts and that the overflow will be evident in their words and actions all the time. Oh how truly blessed they are! Even if they haven't always been given what they want, or I didn't parent the way I should, they are still rich with love, family, and faith. I pray that they know that deep down in their hearts. Today, Jesus, remind Alyssa and Kyle that you lavishly love them and there's no better gift in this life!

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