Monday, November 4, 2013

Putting Self Aside

It's selfish and stupid
   to think only of yourself
   and to sneer at people
   who have sense. 
Fools have no desire to learn;
   they would much rather
   give their own opinion.
Wrongdoing leads to shame
   and disgrace. 
--Proverbs 18:1-3

Lord, if Alyssa and Kyle have gotten anything at all out of following you, if your love has made any difference in their life, if being in a community of your Spirit means anything to them, if they have a heart, or if they care— then I pray that they do this: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle not be tempted to push their way to the front; and not sweet-talk their way to the top. May they always put their self aside, and help others get ahead. Some days it will take intention and choice, but I pray that they not be obsessed with getting their own advantage. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle forget themselves long enough to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.  Lord, may our children always have the same attitude of Christ Jesus who gave up his life for others. (Philippians 2:1-5)


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