Anger boomerangs.
You can spot a fool
by the lumps on his head."
Ecclesiastes 7:9
(The Message)
I just have to laugh at the way The Message states the above verse. Learning how to respond to others with patience has been one of my lifelong struggles, especially when I'm tired, cranky, and stressed.
And now I have teenagers.
Sometimes it requires a mountain load of patience.
For them and for me.
For them and for me.
Impatience is unfortunately a contagious condition. Once started,
serious treatment is in order. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit specializes
in giving patience. Patience is listed as a fruit of the Spirit and how
I pray God will always help me and help all of us to find our strength
and help from above.
Lord, help us to not be quick to fly off the handle. Keep our
tongues from evil and our lips from being impatient. May we each be
quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. May our
family be completely humble and gentle; being patient, and bearing with
one another in love. Lord, thank you for being at work in me and
helping me be more patient. Please fill Alyssa and Kyle with your
Spirit, and help them to be patient as well.

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