Pray for the teachers at your school
That they will consider each child as a special individual—not just as “their class” or “their job”; that they will have a zeal to make a difference for good in each life
That they will not grow weary in well doing, particularly near the end of the year; that their commitment to excellence and discipline will not wane
That God will prepare the teachers’ hearts for good relationships with your children
That positions at your school will be filled by men and women with godly principles
and values
That those teachers going through difficult personal problems will seek God
That Christian teachers will be salt and light, demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit in
their lives
That substitute teachers will be able to control classrooms and be a welcome and positive influence in your school.
Lord, I pray that this is a wonderful week of learning for Alyssa and Kyle. I pray for the teachers that you have placed in their lives and ask that you watch over their influence and relationships. May Alyssa and Kyle's teachers not grow weary in doing good, but continue to press on and use the gifts you have given them to teach. Our schools and teachers are a gift from you and I give you thanks for each teacher you have placed in my kids lives. Today, may learning be abundant and rich in Alyssa and Kyle's lives!

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