As a mom, I can't always take away my kids worries and fears, though I wish I could. Sometimes I can alleviate the worry of an upcoming test with help and encouragement. Other times, I can encourage them in fearful moments with a prayer or a hug. However, Alyssa and Kyle are going to have to learn that there is One who can help them in bigger and better ways than I can. His name is Jesus.
Learning to let God have our worries and cares will be an important life lesson as their concerns grow bigger and bigger; jobs, money issues, parenting, health issues, etc. Surrendering it all to Jesus will grow their faith, develop their relationship with Him, and strengthen their resolve in hard times. God uses those times in beautiful ways to draw us to Himself.
I pray that today, wherever and whenever Alyssa and Kyle have heavy burdens, they can let go and trust God!
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to let you have all their worries and cares, and know deep down that you are always thinking about them and watching over everything that concerns them. When concern weighs heavy on their hearts, I pray that they come to you for wisdom, guidance, and peace in the midst of their concern. On days, when they feel overwhelmed with their cares, I pray that they turn to you and trust you for your help. You can shower them with hope, peace, and joy even in the middle of their messes. Thank you, dear Jesus for your abiding presence, especially when we feel tired and alone. You alone can handle all our worries and cares.

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