I saw this video someone recently posted and it sure made me laugh. It also caused me evaluate the joy level in my life. Jesus said we must become like little children to enter His kingdom. I pray that as our children mature that they retain the gift of wonder, joy and a fearlessness to be themselves.
As life responsibility increases, as we become more aware of peer pressure and as we grow in our desire to fit in, we risk losing our ability to live in the moment. If this guy can be this excited to move to the beat at a sporting event, why are we sometimes so restricted in our expressions of worship, celebration and thanksgiving? As forgiven, redeemed and dearly loved children of the King, we indeed have so much to celebrate!
Heavenly Father, as Lyssa and Kyle daily face growing challenges, homework and responsibilities, I pray they find Your endless joy to be their source of strength. Help them finish this quarter strong and with an awareness of the kind of daily joy, thanksgiving and rest that a child so easily enjoys. Thank you God that You are our Almighty Father, the source of our hope and joy.

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