So many BEAUTIFUL things to be thankful for this week...
- I was with a friend of mine when she made a new decision to trust Christ with her life! Oh the sweetness of watching this new beginning.
- Our 10th annual women's retreat was a delight. Women worshiping, laughing, sharing, and learning together. God makes beautiful things out of our lives.
My favorite picture from our retreat!
- Lyss wrote an 11 page paper for her Senior project. I laughed because she wrote the paper on the repercussions of social medias,all the while hanging out on "facebook" between paragraphs. But it got done! Yahoo!
- My lilacs are in bloom. That is when I know spring is really here.
- Kyle hit a double in Tuesday nights baseball game. His team won their game. It hasn't been the best of seasons (3-10), but I still love to watch my boy play ball!
Lord, thank you for all the things that you have made beautiful in this week. Each gift and blessing, had your name written all over it. I am reminded of your love for me, my family, and those dear to me. Thank you for changing lives, transforming hearts, and giving my children those little successes. You are my beautiful, Lord, and my heart rejoices today in the many ways you show yourself in our lives!

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