My try at being a photographer like Lyss!
It's Thankful Thursday once again. Day and night the Lord has been with us this week and my heart is full of praise for His goodness!
- God protected Kyle from serious injury in a baseball game last week. A ball was hit right into his chest with a thump that could be heard from the stands. It knocked the wind out of him for a moment, and the physical trainer on sight was concerned he might have a cracked sternum. Thanking the Lord for His protection and goodness.
- Our family had an outing together at the mall. As the kids get older, time together with just the four of us gets harder and harder. It was a fun day!
- Easter was a beautiful day of celebrating and remembering God's gift of salvation, and our church services were a blessing. The rest of the day was spent with just our immediate family as well, but we had all the fixings of ham, potatoes, deviled eggs and seafoam. We ate, took naps, went on a walk outside since it was a perfect spring day, and watched a movie together. God was good to give us such a delightful day!
- Alyssa got her graduation announcements this week. Wowza! It's getting real!
- Kyle hit a double at Monday nights baseball game, and I think his mom was the biggest cheerleader in the stands! And I thought the throw to home plate to get out the tying run was pretty cool too. We won our first regular season game!
Kyle on base.
Lord, thank you for directing your love to us by day and night. You are the God of our life, and you are always with us. Thank you for my precious children and the part you play in their lives. You are growing them up into wonderful people and my heart rejoices and who you are making them. Thank you, dear Jesus, for the many blessings you shower our lives with. I rejoice in you, our God and Savior. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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