High School graduation is just around the corner,
and not far behind is the beginnings of Lyssa's college adventure.
Though at times makes me cringe, planning is the theme of our days.
School needs.
Summer wants.
And celebrations all around.
Plans galore.
What I am finding is that my kid doesn't really want parental counsel.
And who does a mom and dad turn to when they can't figure it all out?
Learning to ask for counsel is an important lesson in life.
I'm praying that our kids get over their know-it-all-ness,
and seek out the wisdom of others in their lives.
Then their plans just may succeed.
Lord, I so want Alyssa and Kyle's plans to succeed in life. They will fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they have a better chance of success. Give them wise and willing people to help them on this journey. Open Alyssa and Kyle's ears that they may hear and take seriously the advise of others, and a wisdom to know what is right and true. Plans are many and constant, and we ask for your leading and guiding, knowing and believing that you know all the days ordained for them, and have plans to prosper them. Alyssa and Kyle are yours, dear Father, and I pray that they heed your call and leading on their lives.

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