This is a re-post from January 2011, but it's my friend's birthday tomorrow and as I reflected on her and the thankfulness I have for her in my life, I was reminded of all the reasons I give God praise for her friendship. Happy Birthday, dear friend of mine!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
This past Sunday, Ken asked our church to answer the question, "Who
encourages you in your faith?" I knew my answer(s) immediately.
I have a girlfriend who shares God with me most every day.
I love the words she passes on about how He speaks to her.
Or what she is learning about Him.
In that, I'm challenged to do my own studying, listening, and praying.
She listens to me, but always helps me move my thoughts back to God.
I'm always encouraged to be a better person when we talk.
She prays for me and my family.
And always remembers to ask how things are going in the concerns.
I love her passion for the Lord. And it's attractive to those around her.
She loves God deeply.
serves Him daily,
and strives with all that she is to reflect Him in everything.
My faith is deeper.
My walk with God richer.
My life is completely blessed.
Because of my friend.
I pray that my kids lives are blessed with friends like that...
friends that encourage their faith.
Lord, thank you for my friend. For the way she encourages my faith,
and helps me draw nearer to you. Oh how I pray that Alyssa and Kyle
have a friend like that. I pray that they find others who encourage
them to dig deep in their faith, to live according to your will for
their lives, and to find passion in walking with you. Give Alyssa and
Kyle friends that will pick them up when they fall, encourage them to
fix their eyes on you, and pray for them through the daily struggles of
life. If my kids can find a friend like mine, they will be richly
blessed. Thank you, dear Jesus, for such a precious gift.