Kyle (2006)
I just have to laugh. Once there was a day when the boy thought that showers were a waste of time, deodorant was a once a week "event", and his clean clothes could often be found tucked tightly away in his drawers unused.
All has changed, my friends. All has changed.
Kyle (2011)
I'm just praying it doesn't go to my boy's head. My longing is that he recognizes that it's what's on the inside that will really make him attractive to those he meets.
Yes, the boy is cute, but I also want him to be humble, kind, generous, and compassionate (just to name a few things).
Oh what's a mom to do when she still wants to "squeeze" on her baby-boy-turned young man?!
Lord, you have wonderfully made Alyssa and Kyle. Please watch over them and the unhealthy pride that can grow in their hearts and minds. Charm can be deceptive, and beauty is vain, but fearing you, Lord, is to be praised. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle clothe themselves with a beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to you. Those who look to you are radiant. Break down any pride, dear Jesus, that would cause destruction and give them a humble, compassionate, and kind heart. Thank you, Lord, for our precious children.