My sweet family!
Today, in Women's Bible study, our "get to know you" question was "If you were Queen for a day, what law would you put in effect or what change would you make?" One mom piped up and exclaimed, "No family fighting or sibling rivalry". Amen. Kids fight because they don't get their own way, which is not far from the reason adults fight either.
My prayer is that Alyssa and Kyle learn to deal with conflict, face hurts, and work through difficult situations. Sometimes it will be by saying "I'm sorry". And sometimes they will have to be brave and say "you hurt me". Either way they will both take courage to do the right thing!
Do the hard work, babies, looking to Jesus for guidance and help! He will be right there beside you, cheering you on!
Lord, teach Alyssa and Kyle to manage their relationships well. When a friend hurts them, or causes strife, help them to face into the conflict and work things out, salvaging and building up their relationships. Give Alyssa and Kyle courage to work hard on their relationships, and strength and wisdom to forgive easily. Relationships with other will bless and enrich their lives in many ways, and are worth the effort to mend the hurt and clear the air. Thank you, Lord, that you help us do the hard work relationships take. Amen.

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