There are many things in this life that I miss out on because of fear.
This could have been one of those things.
Yes, I went zip-lining this weekend!
I just didn't like the heights factor of this adventure.
And I wasn't dressed appropriately.
Nor did I have the right shoes. (They duct taped my flip-flops onto my feet.)
Yet, every reason not to go, seemed to fade with reasoning.
Obviously my hubby wasn't so afraid...
But I faced my fears, with a bit of prodding, and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon with my friends. Had I let my fear win, I would have really missed out.
God gives us the courage to face those things in our lives that we want to avoid. He strengthens. He holds. He blesses. I pray that when our kids face struggles, fears, and obstacles, that they will put themselves in God's very capable and strong hands, and depend on Him for His help.
Alyssa and Kyle, be strong and courageous in all things! For with Him all things are possible! Just look at your mom, she went zip-lining! Who would have thought?
(PS...I even took one hand off...for a second!)
Lord, thank you for helping your children face their fears and stand strong and courageous in the midst of hard things. We don't have to tremble or be dismayed because you are with us wherever we go. When Alyssa and Kyle have fears, I pray that they look to you for strength, protection, and help in their times of need. Your presence helps us to face things that seem insurmountable. With you, dear Jesus, we can scale a wall. Thank you, for helping me to conquer my fears! I pray that my example encourages Alyssa and Kyle to go out and face their fears as well.