God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Cheerful Givers
"God loves it when the giver delights in the giving." 2 Corinthians 9:7
I'm done with my shopping and wrapping. YEAH! Now I can sit back and enjoy the season. (Except the packing and cleaning up before we go "over the river and through the woods" to Grammy and Papa's house.)
I find I put such pressure on myself at Christmas to buy or give just the right gift and by the time everything is wrapped I'm re-thinking my decisions. Am I giving something that the recipient will love? Will they know the thought behind the gift? And then I fret, second-guess, and debate with myself. I love to give, but I have to get over the worry part of it.
I pray that my kids love find joy in giving to others and not look at it as something that they "have" to do because its expected. I also pray that they accept the gifts they receive with the heart they were given in. Giving and receiving should both be a delight!
Lord, thank you for the gifts of this season and the joy it is to give to others. Help Alyssa and Kyle to be cheerful and generous givers. You love it when the giver delights in the giving to others. I also pray that Alyssa and Kyle appreciate the generous and thoughtful gift of others, remembering that people give out of love for them. Jesus, that you for the ultimate gift of your Son and the reason we celebrate at Christmas!
Christmas 2007
I'm done with my shopping and wrapping. YEAH! Now I can sit back and enjoy the season. (Except the packing and cleaning up before we go "over the river and through the woods" to Grammy and Papa's house.)
I find I put such pressure on myself at Christmas to buy or give just the right gift and by the time everything is wrapped I'm re-thinking my decisions. Am I giving something that the recipient will love? Will they know the thought behind the gift? And then I fret, second-guess, and debate with myself. I love to give, but I have to get over the worry part of it.
I pray that my kids love find joy in giving to others and not look at it as something that they "have" to do because its expected. I also pray that they accept the gifts they receive with the heart they were given in. Giving and receiving should both be a delight!
Lord, thank you for the gifts of this season and the joy it is to give to others. Help Alyssa and Kyle to be cheerful and generous givers. You love it when the giver delights in the giving to others. I also pray that Alyssa and Kyle appreciate the generous and thoughtful gift of others, remembering that people give out of love for them. Jesus, that you for the ultimate gift of your Son and the reason we celebrate at Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013
Strong and Courageous!
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
The command to "be strong and courageous" appears about 11 times in scripture. I think it may be said over and over again because it's something we need to hear. I know that I often need to be reminded to "take courage" (listed at least 4 times).
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, as you parent.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, when you need to face a fear.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, when you think about the future.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa!
I believe that our children need to hear and be encouraged by this reminder today.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you try something new.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you face your fear.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you have to endure a hurt.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you need to speak the truth.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, each time you choose to do the right thing.
With God Alyssa and Kyle can do all things! Nothing is impossible. Today, I pray that they will be "be strong and courageous!"
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to be strong and courageous today. Whatever fears they face, and with whoever they come in contact with, or in whatever they have to do, I pray that they know that you are walking by their side. You provide them the strength they need to do all things. You will never leave them or forsake them. May your Spirit resound in the depths of their heart and remind them continually that they can be strong and courageous as they walk with you. Thank you, Lord, that we can take courage, stand firm and live in your hope. Oh Savior you are so precious.
Kyle taking the plunge (2006)
The command to "be strong and courageous" appears about 11 times in scripture. I think it may be said over and over again because it's something we need to hear. I know that I often need to be reminded to "take courage" (listed at least 4 times).
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, as you parent.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, when you need to face a fear.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, when you think about the future.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa!
I believe that our children need to hear and be encouraged by this reminder today.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you try something new.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you face your fear.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you have to endure a hurt.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you need to speak the truth.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, each time you choose to do the right thing.
With God Alyssa and Kyle can do all things! Nothing is impossible. Today, I pray that they will be "be strong and courageous!"
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to be strong and courageous today. Whatever fears they face, and with whoever they come in contact with, or in whatever they have to do, I pray that they know that you are walking by their side. You provide them the strength they need to do all things. You will never leave them or forsake them. May your Spirit resound in the depths of their heart and remind them continually that they can be strong and courageous as they walk with you. Thank you, Lord, that we can take courage, stand firm and live in your hope. Oh Savior you are so precious.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Thankful Thursday
"And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God
my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his
name." Luke 1:46-47, 49
My soul rejoices in God my Savior and the great things He has done for us!
Lord, my soul glorifies you and my spirit rejoices in you, my Savior, for you have done great things for us— holy is your name. Thank you for your presence in our lives. I see you in so many ways and my heart is full!
My soul rejoices in God my Savior and the great things He has done for us!
- Our open house was a big success and a big blessing. After much work we just enjoyed greeting and visiting with our church family. We have a great church, I tell you! And after 19 1/2 years as their pastors, we still love them!
- I had 4 ladies who were sweet to help with the open house with baking and preparations. Sweet, sweet friends!
- I came home from work one day last week and my dear hubby had cleaned the house for our open house! What a gift! I couldn't ask for a better man!
- Kyle has had a few early morning baseball workouts in the last week and has to be at school by 6:00 am. He's done a great job at getting up and to school without help getting up. I love that! Such a responsible young man!
- I love getting Christmas cards in the mail. I am reminded of the many special people God has placed in my life.
- A couple from our church blessed me with a basket with gifts for the twelve days of Christmas. Each day I'm touched by their thoughtfulness.
- Lyssa is finishing up the fall semester of her sophomore year in college. I'm assuming she's got great grades (ha) and we look forward to her coming home for Christmas break.
- Ken and Kyle were given the opportunity to go pheasant hunting yesterday. They've had some shooting practice and it paid off. Together their group shot 18 pheasants. Though it was cold and snowy out there they had a great time!
Lord, my soul glorifies you and my spirit rejoices in you, my Savior, for you have done great things for us— holy is your name. Thank you for your presence in our lives. I see you in so many ways and my heart is full!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Facing Life with Prayer
Lord, today, when Lyssa and Kyle face big mountains, I pray that they come to you in prayer. Your Word calls us to come to you when we are weary and burdened and you give us rest. As Lyssa and Kyle deal with hard relationships, face difficult conflicts, or are challenged with huge tasks, may they look to you for strength, wisdom, and help through prayer. You alone can be their Rock and Refuge. Prayer will be a lifeline in their daily journey through life. Thank you, Precious Jesus, for Lyssa and Kyle and for listening to the cries of their hearts.

Monday, December 16, 2013
End of Semester Finals
"I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens." Ecclesiastes 1:13
Let the end-of-semester finals begin.
This week both Alyssa and Kyle need to have "minds of steel" as they study and take these tests that challenge what they've learned this semester. I pray that they can easily bring to mind the things that they have been learned so far in the school year..
Applying their smarts is what they will need in the coming days for sure!
Lord, you have given Alyssa and Kyle strong minds and the ability to become wise with knowledge and experiences. Please help them to apply their minds whenever they are called to. You have made them intelligent, but may they use those smarts to serve you in amazing ways. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle always give you the glory, for the things they have learned, and for how they have used the things you have taught them. Lord, thank you for being with our children when the tasks seem hard and overwhelming. Be Alyssa and Kyle's strength through each test this week, especially when they'd much rather be thinking of Christmas break.
Let the end-of-semester finals begin.
This week both Alyssa and Kyle need to have "minds of steel" as they study and take these tests that challenge what they've learned this semester. I pray that they can easily bring to mind the things that they have been learned so far in the school year..
Applying their smarts is what they will need in the coming days for sure!
Lord, you have given Alyssa and Kyle strong minds and the ability to become wise with knowledge and experiences. Please help them to apply their minds whenever they are called to. You have made them intelligent, but may they use those smarts to serve you in amazing ways. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle always give you the glory, for the things they have learned, and for how they have used the things you have taught them. Lord, thank you for being with our children when the tasks seem hard and overwhelming. Be Alyssa and Kyle's strength through each test this week, especially when they'd much rather be thinking of Christmas break.

Friday, December 13, 2013
Generous and Cheerful Givers
"Be generous to the poor—you'll never go hungry;
shut your eyes to their needs, and run a gauntlet of curses."
shut your eyes to their needs, and run a gauntlet of curses."
--Proverbs 28:27 (The Message)
"When you help someone out, don't think about how it looks.
Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively.
That is the way your God, who conceived you in love,
working behind the scenes, helps you out."
--Matthew 6:3-4 (The Message)
"God loves it when the giver delights in the giving."
--2 Corinthians 9:7 (The Message)
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to be cheerful givers. May their hearts respond with a big "yes" when they see others who are in need. Teach them to be especially generous to the poor and needy. Help them to be wise in their spending and saving, so that they can have the freedom to be generous whenever they are aware of a need. As they find wonderful opportunities to be a blessing to others, keep their pride in check and keep their mouths from boasting about their giving. I pray, dear Jesus, that they will always give out of a heart of love and generosity, and not out of guilt, pride, or because of someone else's expectation besides your own. May generosity always mark Alyssa and Kyle's lives.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thankful Thursday
"Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Luke 5:26
Its been a crazy week as we are busily getting ready for our open house, but still I have things I want to take time to give God praise for. I am often filled with awe at the remarkable things he does in our lives. I hope that I never get too busy to tell Him thanks!
Lord, thank you for...
Our Christmas tree!
Lord, thank you for...
- A chat with my girl.
- Our son's safety as he drives on icy roads.
- A surprise coffee delivered to work by my sweet husband on a particularly hard day.
- An afternoon of clay shooting for my boys (and an afternoon at home, where it was warm, for me!)
- My hubby's hard work shoveling snow and helping us get ready for Christmas.
- Sunday night prayer time at church.
- Getting Christmas cards in the mail.
- Helping me speak your words at a women's Christmas gathering.
- And the Cheesecake Factory gift cards as a "thank you".

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
His Protection
"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." John 17:15
I remember in vivid detail the day I left Alyssa at home by herself for the first time. I know that Lyss barely blinked an eye, but me? Worry, fret, and concern.
Here I was sitting at Kyle's t-ball game and she was home all alone. Did I teach her all she needed to know to be safe? Would she answer the door if someone knocked? What if the house caught on fire? (Dramatic thoughts, I know.) What if she got hurt? Would she make wise choices about what to do?
Even back then I had a cell phone and it didn't ever leave my hand in case she called with a need.
Now my "babies" are older, they are driving, one is in another state going to school, and I've had to learn to trust that they are okay when they are away from me. It doesn't help to lock them up and keep them from the world (though the thought has crossed my mind a time or two), Therefore my prayer becomes more about their protection, wisdom and strength as they go out and face life, and believing that God is with them, and the Holy Spirit is the voice guiding them.
I still ask for a phone call here and there though.
Yes, I'm one of "those" moms. (Picture the rolling of eyes.)
Lord, you are the great Protector, our refuge and strength. You are the one with my children at all times and are watching over them as they are coming and going. This world is full of trouble, but you are the one who overcomes. Oh Father, protect Alyssa and Kyle, especially from the evil one of this world. Keep the enemy from any hold on their lives and own them as your son and daughter. Speak tenderly into Alyssa and Kyle's lives and lead them down paths of righteousness. Give them wisdom and discernment in order to make choices that bring abundant life. Lord, watch over my babies.
I remember in vivid detail the day I left Alyssa at home by herself for the first time. I know that Lyss barely blinked an eye, but me? Worry, fret, and concern.
Here I was sitting at Kyle's t-ball game and she was home all alone. Did I teach her all she needed to know to be safe? Would she answer the door if someone knocked? What if the house caught on fire? (Dramatic thoughts, I know.) What if she got hurt? Would she make wise choices about what to do?
Even back then I had a cell phone and it didn't ever leave my hand in case she called with a need.
Now my "babies" are older, they are driving, one is in another state going to school, and I've had to learn to trust that they are okay when they are away from me. It doesn't help to lock them up and keep them from the world (though the thought has crossed my mind a time or two), Therefore my prayer becomes more about their protection, wisdom and strength as they go out and face life, and believing that God is with them, and the Holy Spirit is the voice guiding them.
I still ask for a phone call here and there though.
Yes, I'm one of "those" moms. (Picture the rolling of eyes.)
Lord, you are the great Protector, our refuge and strength. You are the one with my children at all times and are watching over them as they are coming and going. This world is full of trouble, but you are the one who overcomes. Oh Father, protect Alyssa and Kyle, especially from the evil one of this world. Keep the enemy from any hold on their lives and own them as your son and daughter. Speak tenderly into Alyssa and Kyle's lives and lead them down paths of righteousness. Give them wisdom and discernment in order to make choices that bring abundant life. Lord, watch over my babies.

Monday, December 9, 2013
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24
Another week begins. I'm trying to not be consumed by my to-do list and schedule, and talking with Lyss last night, I know she is in the same boat as she concludes her semester in college.
Today, I will live in peace.
Today, God's compassion won't fail.
Today, He is my portion.
Today, I will wait on Him.
Lord, because of your great love we are not consumed, for your compassions never fail. They are new today, even in the busyness and stress of the season. Great is your faithfulness, Savior! I will continue to remind myself that you are my portion and I will wait for you. May the same be true for Alyssa and Kyle today. Be their strength as this new day and new week begin. Be Alyssa and Kyle's portion as they wait on you.

Saturday, December 7, 2013
God of Wonders
God of Wonders
Written by Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong
"God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me
Father holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy, holy, holy..."
God of wonders, in this amazing season where we celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus Christ, may Alyssa and Kyle seek you and find you. Oh how I pray that you reveal your heart to our children. May they know the height and depth and width of your love them. Open their eyes that they may see you in new ways this Christmas season. You are holy, you are good, you are God!

Friday, December 6, 2013
Being Persevering
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we
may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
As I was searching for something this last weekend, we came across a letter that Alyssa wrote me when she was in third grade. You have to realize that there were times in our house where I was sure I was living in a farm...or better yet a ZOO...and the thought of one more animal joining our family did not bring this mother much pleasure. Ken was always the easy one to persuade, but I on the other hand, took great convincing and bribing. Therefore, the letter.
Oh can kids be persistent when they want something. I pray that they can take that "gift" and learn to use it in their prayer life. Being persevering and persistent will draw them ever closer to their Savior.
I don't really remember if this letter accomplished what the kids wanted, but I'm sure God wouldn't have turned them down! if they prayed with such eloquence and persistence!
Lord, I love that you hear our prayers and know the desires of our hearts. I love that you promise that when we seek you we will find you, and when we ask it will be given to us. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find great joy and delight in coming to you, dear Jesus, in prayer. I long for them to know the peace that passes all understanding that comes from you as they learn to trust you with their fears, needs and wants. May Alyssa and Kyle approach your throne of grace with confidence so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help them in their times of need. Thank you, precious Savior, for hearing our prayers!
As I was searching for something this last weekend, we came across a letter that Alyssa wrote me when she was in third grade. You have to realize that there were times in our house where I was sure I was living in a farm...or better yet a ZOO...and the thought of one more animal joining our family did not bring this mother much pleasure. Ken was always the easy one to persuade, but I on the other hand, took great convincing and bribing. Therefore, the letter.
Oh can kids be persistent when they want something. I pray that they can take that "gift" and learn to use it in their prayer life. Being persevering and persistent will draw them ever closer to their Savior.
I don't really remember if this letter accomplished what the kids wanted, but I'm sure God wouldn't have turned them down! if they prayed with such eloquence and persistence!
Lord, I love that you hear our prayers and know the desires of our hearts. I love that you promise that when we seek you we will find you, and when we ask it will be given to us. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find great joy and delight in coming to you, dear Jesus, in prayer. I long for them to know the peace that passes all understanding that comes from you as they learn to trust you with their fears, needs and wants. May Alyssa and Kyle approach your throne of grace with confidence so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help them in their times of need. Thank you, precious Savior, for hearing our prayers!

Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thankful Thursday
"Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See
that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in
the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done." Colossians 2:7
Our lives are overflowing with joy and thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done in our life this week! Since I forgot to write last week, I probably should extend my list to include two weeks of thanksgiving. I'll try.
God, you are soooooo good and my heart rejoices in you. Thank you for these abundant blessings. This list seems far from adequate. You have blessed us in many ways. We are rich indeed!
Our lives are overflowing with joy and thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done in our life this week! Since I forgot to write last week, I probably should extend my list to include two weeks of thanksgiving. I'll try.
- I was spoiled and spent quite a few days celebrating my birthday. Friends took me out, sent me cards, and treated me to special gifts...and my dear hubby gave me flowers, little surprises, and took me out on the town. Then my family added a little celebration after our Thanksgiving dinner. This girl felt loved for sure!
- Alyssa came home for Thanksgiving! It was good to see her sweet face after three months.
- A dear friend blessed our family with homemade dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, and other goodies on Thanksgiving day. I'm thankful for the special people God has put in my life.
- My family came for Thanksgiving. There were 11 people staying in my house for four days and I love hanging with them. We ate, ate, and ate, played games, went bowling and to a movie, and just enjoyed being together. I'm thankful for my heritage and the faith we share.
- I loved that my son offered his services in the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. It took my quite by surprise and made my heart melt. My sister took a picture for proof.
- In the past three days our freezer has died (ruining a turkey and my already prepared open house cookies....oh did it stink!!!!) and our van decided it needed a new intake-gasket, and though these things have caused a little anxiety I am reminded that I have a beautiful home to live in, a precious family, and another car that runs. (Ha!). God has helped me put into perspective how rich I am despite these troubles.
- On Thanksgiving Day I tortured my family with a little "game". They had to use play dough to mold something they were thankful for and then the rest of us had to guess. After guessing, each family member shared what God has done for them this year. Oh our God is so good and He is evident in my family! Below are a few pictures of our creations.
A sanctuary/refuge away from hard things.
A God-send person who is a help, encouragement and support.
Our family tree.
God, a WONDERFUL marriage, and two beautiful children.
Baseball and the opportunities it brings,
and the structure and discipline it gives.
A trip to Hawaii, family and home, and a dear church family.
God, you are soooooo good and my heart rejoices in you. Thank you for these abundant blessings. This list seems far from adequate. You have blessed us in many ways. We are rich indeed!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Trusting Him
Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
--Psalm 20:6-8
Lord, teach Alyssa and Kyle to trust you. Keep them from putting their trust in success, in others, or in the things of this world. Build their trust so that it's deep and wide, and strengthen their roots in you and grow them deep in you, dear Jesus. May they always trust in you and not men. (Psalm 146:3) Help Alyssa and Kyle to learn to always trust in you and not to lean on their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledge you, for you will make their paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5, 6) Make their hearts willing and able to put their trust in you, all the days of their life. For blessed is the man who puts his hope and trust in you. (Psalm 84:12) When Alyssa and Kyle trust in you, Lord, I pray that they will prosper. (Proverbs 28:25) I know that they can trust in you Lord forever, for you Lord, the Lord, are the Rock eternal. (Isaiah 26:4)

Monday, December 2, 2013
Magnificient Monday
"Do not be anxious about anything..." Philippians 4:6a
It's Monday. The beginning of a new school week is upon us.
So many expectations some weeks.
"But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6b
Anxious moments give opportunities to pray and seek Him.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
School doesn't have to be all that bad! I'm praying for Alyssa and Kyle to have a blessed week!
Lord, we welcome a new week and all that it holds. School has the opportunity to be stressful and crazy, but it also can hold joy and delight. Open Alyssa and Kyle's minds to the gift of learning. May they strive to do their best and find great satisfaction in all their work, and in moments of anxiousness, come to you in prayer. You, precious Savior, walk with Alyssa and Kyle day by day and I pray that they meet you in their comings and goings and enjoy your peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for this Monday, and for a new week of learning.
Kyle's first day of school (2008).
It's Monday. The beginning of a new school week is upon us.
So many expectations some weeks.
"But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6b
Anxious moments give opportunities to pray and seek Him.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
School doesn't have to be all that bad! I'm praying for Alyssa and Kyle to have a blessed week!
Lord, we welcome a new week and all that it holds. School has the opportunity to be stressful and crazy, but it also can hold joy and delight. Open Alyssa and Kyle's minds to the gift of learning. May they strive to do their best and find great satisfaction in all their work, and in moments of anxiousness, come to you in prayer. You, precious Savior, walk with Alyssa and Kyle day by day and I pray that they meet you in their comings and goings and enjoy your peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for this Monday, and for a new week of learning.

Saturday, November 30, 2013
True Success
"As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success." 2 Chronicles 26:5
Every mom wants to see her children be successful. Sometimes I ponder what Alyssa and Kyle will be like 10 or 20 years from now. I wonder what they will be doing with their lives, what careers they will choose, or what their families will look like.
Kyle talks more about success, than Alyssa does. Maybe it's a man thing. He's dreamed of making it big in baseball, and what he'll do with the money he makes. When he thinks of a career, he's running down the line of who he deems "rich". I'm glad he has ambition, but I hope that as he dreams big, he'll seek the Lord in his decisions. Following Him, no matter the cost, will bring their greatest reward I'm sure!
I don't think of success being marked by how much money our children make, or if they live in big homes, and have lots of "toys". In my eyes, I will see Alyssa and Kyle as successful if they are happy and following Jesus with all their heart.
Lord, I know that you have wonderful plans for our children's lives. Their futures hold great success, pleasure, and treasures, as they decide to seek after you. Your Word promises that when they seek you, they will find you, and when they ask, you will answer. I pray, Father, that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to look to you for guidance, wisdom, help in their decisions, and follow you to the ends of their earth. Seeking after you sometimes takes work, and time, but you will never fail to show them the way you have planned for them. Open their eyes that they see you clearly, and their hearts so that they are willing and ready to go wherever you lead. You want to give Alyssa and Kyle the desires of their hearts, I know that full well, but I pray their hearts will always desire to seek after you.
Kyle & Lyss (2000)
Every mom wants to see her children be successful. Sometimes I ponder what Alyssa and Kyle will be like 10 or 20 years from now. I wonder what they will be doing with their lives, what careers they will choose, or what their families will look like.
Kyle talks more about success, than Alyssa does. Maybe it's a man thing. He's dreamed of making it big in baseball, and what he'll do with the money he makes. When he thinks of a career, he's running down the line of who he deems "rich". I'm glad he has ambition, but I hope that as he dreams big, he'll seek the Lord in his decisions. Following Him, no matter the cost, will bring their greatest reward I'm sure!
I don't think of success being marked by how much money our children make, or if they live in big homes, and have lots of "toys". In my eyes, I will see Alyssa and Kyle as successful if they are happy and following Jesus with all their heart.
Lord, I know that you have wonderful plans for our children's lives. Their futures hold great success, pleasure, and treasures, as they decide to seek after you. Your Word promises that when they seek you, they will find you, and when they ask, you will answer. I pray, Father, that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to look to you for guidance, wisdom, help in their decisions, and follow you to the ends of their earth. Seeking after you sometimes takes work, and time, but you will never fail to show them the way you have planned for them. Open their eyes that they see you clearly, and their hearts so that they are willing and ready to go wherever you lead. You want to give Alyssa and Kyle the desires of their hearts, I know that full well, but I pray their hearts will always desire to seek after you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Baby Blues
"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand." Psalm 73:23
Once upon a time (1997)
I was being sentimental recently as I thought about how my babies are no longer babies.
All of a sudden a memory flashed through my mind.of a conversation I had with Kyle over a book we were reading. I wish I remembered what it was because it was a catalyst for a fun back-and-forth conversation over the next couple of years. The book posed the thought that there would be one day when I would no longer be able to pick up my "little" boy.
Well, I haven't tried to pick Kyle up lately, but I'm pretty sure he's grown "too big" for a cuddle. I mean, he's taller than me now for goodness sake!
My babies are no longer babies!
Lyssa is away at college.
Then there is my little boy.
He's driving, looking for a job, and taking his SAT soon.
WOWZA! Time is flying!
But I know God is watching over them, and when I can't pick them up, I can trust that He holds them in His hands!
Lord, I put my confidence and trust in your continual presence in Alyssa and Kyle's lives. I know that when I can't pick them up when they fall, or comfort them when they hurt, or carry them through the storms of life, that you are with them and your right hand holds them. There is nowhere that Alyssa and Kyle can go to avoid your Spirit, and no way they can flee from your presence, You are always with them, and your hand will always guide them. Today, if they need you to pick them up, I pray they will call on your name and wait expectantly for your strength and might to cradle them in their time of need. Thank you, for my "babies", dear Jesus, and thank you for being there for them when I cannot.

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