As I was searching for something this last weekend, we came across a letter that Alyssa wrote me when she was in third grade. You have to realize that there were times in our house where I was sure I was living in a farm...or better yet a ZOO...and the thought of one more animal joining our family did not bring this mother much pleasure. Ken was always the easy one to persuade, but I on the other hand, took great convincing and bribing. Therefore, the letter.
Oh can kids be persistent when they want something. I pray that they can take that "gift" and learn to use it in their prayer life. Being persevering and persistent will draw them ever closer to their Savior.
I don't really remember if this letter accomplished what the kids wanted, but I'm sure God wouldn't have turned them down! if they prayed with such eloquence and persistence!
Lord, I love that you hear our prayers and know the desires of our hearts. I love that you promise that when we seek you we will find you, and when we ask it will be given to us. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find great joy and delight in coming to you, dear Jesus, in prayer. I long for them to know the peace that passes all understanding that comes from you as they learn to trust you with their fears, needs and wants. May Alyssa and Kyle approach your throne of grace with confidence so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help them in their times of need. Thank you, precious Savior, for hearing our prayers!

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