My soul rejoices in God my Savior and the great things He has done for us!
- Our open house was a big success and a big blessing. After much work we just enjoyed greeting and visiting with our church family. We have a great church, I tell you! And after 19 1/2 years as their pastors, we still love them!
- I had 4 ladies who were sweet to help with the open house with baking and preparations. Sweet, sweet friends!
- I came home from work one day last week and my dear hubby had cleaned the house for our open house! What a gift! I couldn't ask for a better man!
- Kyle has had a few early morning baseball workouts in the last week and has to be at school by 6:00 am. He's done a great job at getting up and to school without help getting up. I love that! Such a responsible young man!
- I love getting Christmas cards in the mail. I am reminded of the many special people God has placed in my life.
- A couple from our church blessed me with a basket with gifts for the twelve days of Christmas. Each day I'm touched by their thoughtfulness.
- Lyssa is finishing up the fall semester of her sophomore year in college. I'm assuming she's got great grades (ha) and we look forward to her coming home for Christmas break.
- Ken and Kyle were given the opportunity to go pheasant hunting yesterday. They've had some shooting practice and it paid off. Together their group shot 18 pheasants. Though it was cold and snowy out there they had a great time!
Lord, my soul glorifies you and my spirit rejoices in you, my Savior, for you have done great things for us— holy is your name. Thank you for your presence in our lives. I see you in so many ways and my heart is full!

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