Our lives are overflowing with joy and thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done in our life this week! Since I forgot to write last week, I probably should extend my list to include two weeks of thanksgiving. I'll try.
- I was spoiled and spent quite a few days celebrating my birthday. Friends took me out, sent me cards, and treated me to special gifts...and my dear hubby gave me flowers, little surprises, and took me out on the town. Then my family added a little celebration after our Thanksgiving dinner. This girl felt loved for sure!
- Alyssa came home for Thanksgiving! It was good to see her sweet face after three months.
- A dear friend blessed our family with homemade dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, and other goodies on Thanksgiving day. I'm thankful for the special people God has put in my life.
- My family came for Thanksgiving. There were 11 people staying in my house for four days and I love hanging with them. We ate, ate, and ate, played games, went bowling and to a movie, and just enjoyed being together. I'm thankful for my heritage and the faith we share.
- I loved that my son offered his services in the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. It took my quite by surprise and made my heart melt. My sister took a picture for proof.
- In the past three days our freezer has died (ruining a turkey and my already prepared open house cookies....oh did it stink!!!!) and our van decided it needed a new intake-gasket, and though these things have caused a little anxiety I am reminded that I have a beautiful home to live in, a precious family, and another car that runs. (Ha!). God has helped me put into perspective how rich I am despite these troubles.
- On Thanksgiving Day I tortured my family with a little "game". They had to use play dough to mold something they were thankful for and then the rest of us had to guess. After guessing, each family member shared what God has done for them this year. Oh our God is so good and He is evident in my family! Below are a few pictures of our creations.
A sanctuary/refuge away from hard things.
A God-send person who is a help, encouragement and support.
Our family tree.
God, a WONDERFUL marriage, and two beautiful children.
Baseball and the opportunities it brings,
and the structure and discipline it gives.
A trip to Hawaii, family and home, and a dear church family.
God, you are soooooo good and my heart rejoices in you. Thank you for these abundant blessings. This list seems far from adequate. You have blessed us in many ways. We are rich indeed!

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