Friday, August 31, 2012

The Hard Work of Forgiveness

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."  Colossians 3:13

It's said that practice makes perfect, but I'm not so sure if that's always true when it comes to learning about forgiveness.  I find that forgiveness is hard work most every time.  Some people are easy to forgive, and some circumstances more immediately forgivable, but often it still takes choosing to do the harder thing.

Forgiveness doesn't immediately fix the hurt, or heal relationships, but it does set us on the road God calls us to follow and healing can begin.  I've seen people hold onto unforgiveness for a very long time, and it ruins relationships for a lifetime, and fills hearts with bitterness and anger.  Our unwillingness to forgive someone who has hurt us, actually damages us worse.

I wish that my children didn't have to experience things in their lives where they needed to practice the art of forgiveness, but I know that is unrealistic.  So, I'll just pray that they won't allow bitterness and hurt to take root in their hearts, and forever mess up the important relationships in their lives.

I pray that they will always choose to do the hard work of forgiveness.

"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love.  
In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." 
--Robert Muller

Lord, you bear with your children, and forgive us over and over again.  Thank you, sweet Jesus.  May you helps us to do the same.  Help us to give forgiveness freely, and not hold onto bitterness, anger and hurt, especially in regards to our closest relationships.  Continued to teach us how to do the hard work of forgiveness.  Lord, protect my children from huge hurts in their lives, but where there is hurt (and I know that there will be), I pray they choose to forgive.  And where they hurt others, I pray forgiveness is offered to them.   May my children never let unforgiveness take root in their hearts.  In these moments Lord, I pray that they lean on you for help and guidance.  You are the greatest forgiver of all...may we be more like you! 

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