My front flower bed.
Pruning that many shrubs gives one time to ponder and reflect.
Pruning is painful and sometimes drastic.
Pruning is needed too get rid of that which is dead.
Pruning brings more fruit.
Pruning ultimately brings about a greater beauty.I don't know that I'm always ready and willing to be pruned, but I know that I need it. I want to be more open to God's pruning and shaping work in my life. And I pray that Alyssa and Kyle recognize the times in their lives where their Father is cutting off the things that don't bear fruit, and pruning them for better fruit, and become completely available to the Gardner.
Now that my husband's day off is over, I think I need to take a day off! And I'll enjoy looking at my beautiful yard while I'm at it!
(John 15:1-8)
Lord, you are the true vine, and our Father is the gardener. I pray that you cut off every branch in Alyssa and Kyle that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, prune so that it will be even more fruitful. Alyssa and Kyle are already clean because of the word you have spoken to them. I know that if Alyssa and Kyle remain in you, you will remain in them. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can Alyssa and Kyle bear fruit unless they remain in you.
You are the vine; and Alyssa and Kyle are the branches. If they remain in you and you in them, they will bear much fruit; apart from you they can do nothing. If Alyssa and Kyle do not remain in you, they are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If Alyssa and Kyle remain in you and your words remain in them, they can ask whatever they wish, and it will be given to them. This is to my your glory, Father, that Alyssa and Kyle bear much fruit, showing themselves to be your disciples.

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