Today, is the day. The day we've been preparing for and working towards for the last 18 years is now upon us. Today we drop Alyssa off for her fist year of college. A new phase of life for her...and for us.
If I don't think too hard about it, I can admit I'm excited for Lyssa's new adventures. We've come so far, accomplished so much, and now it's time for freedom, adult responsibilities, and a world of new experiences. I have faith that God has great plans for our girl's life!
Looking back I can give Him thanks for so many things in Alyssa's life:
She went from a shy girl to one who is full of confidence.
She always knew what she stood for and believed in.
God gave her precious friends just when she needed them.
And He provided mission trip opportunities that changed her life.
A school that pushed her strong mind and fit her personality.
Sunday school teachers, youth leaders and a church family to teach her!
Alyssa has grown from my darling precious baby into a beautiful and strong woman that I am very proud of!
I wish I had the time and ability to put words on my blog to my dear daughter, like my friend Joy did for her daughter heading off to college (read here). Maybe as I move further from this day I'll be able to follow her example.
I am thankful for friends and family members who are praying for our girl.
I am thankful that God goes with her on this new journey.
I know, with great faith, that He has wonderful experiences and a tremendous future for her.
I believe that she's strong and can do anything she puts her mind to.
I am full of gratitude for God's guidance and help in parenting her, and know that He is not finished with her yet!
God has been so good!
Some friends praying for Lyss before she left town
Lord, thank you for the precious gift Alyssa has been as our daughter, and for your faithful hand of work in her life. You have grown her into a woman who reflects you and will do wonderful things with the gifts you have given her. Protect her, dear Jesus, as she enters this new phase of her life. Help Alyssa to make choices that fit your plan for her life and give her wisdom, courage, and strength to meet each new day. Walk with her through the new adjustments and give her friends to pass on encouragement. May she find this time of her life to be one of the most fun and where she has the greatest spiritual growth. You have brought Alyssa this far and I know that you hold her future. Father, we thank you for our dear daughter, and continue to trust you for this new time of life.

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