I'm thinking it's pretty impossible to praise and complain simultaneously. However, I have to admit that complaining comes more naturally to me. Two different times yesterday God reminded me of this lesson and I realized the prompting as something I need to work on.
I complain about Alyssa's messes...
but choose today to praise Jesus that she's home for a few more weeks.
I complain about Kyle's busy ball schedule...
but choose today to praise Jesus for His talent and ability.
And I sometimes complain about the bickering or hyperness...
but choose today to praise Jesus for Alyssa and Kyle's health.
Today, I want to choose to praise Jesus,
and be a better example to my family or how to give God thanks
instead of being a complainer.
Lord, help me teach Alyssa and Kyle to be people who give you praise in all things. Your Word encourages us to do everything without complaining. Take that old sinful nature of ours, the one that likes to complain and be ungrateful, and replace it with a heart of thanksgiving. Fill our mouths with praise that we might declare your awesomeness to the world around us. Make Alyssa and Kyle's eyes truly sensitive to you in their world and all that you've given them. Lord, you bless our lives with good things and I give you all the praise and thanks!

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