Many ups and downs.
Lots of good times and a few hard ones.
Blessings galore.
Lives changed.
A group of believers that we can truly call family.
Growth in so many ways.
18 years. Where has the time gone?
I wonder what my kids will remember from these years? I pray that ministry has been something that has ignited in them a faith that is real and genuine, and maybe even a love for service and ministry in their own lives. It's a bit too early to tell, but I'm trusting God that these 18 years have been well worth it!
Cause I think it has!
Moving day of our new building & Alyssa's birthday...May 2006
Church has been our life. All our kids have known on Sunday mornings is church. When the doors are open at the church, you will often find our family. Our kid's best friends come from church, some of their most favorite memories are attached to church or church people, and church has always been an important part of our lives. Pastor's kids usually have it no other way.
But there's a few statistics that gives me cause to pray...
- 80% of pastor's believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor's children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents. (Pastoral Care Inc.)
- 33% of pastor's state that being in the ministry is an outright hazzard to their family. (Pastoral Care Inc.)
I tried to find somewhere the statistic of Pastor's kids who stay connected to the church when they become adults, but I was unsuccessful in my search. I've heard that it isn't a very good percentage.
- 80% of adult children of pastors surveyed have had to seek professional help for depression. (Maranatha Life-Line for Pastors)
Our kids sometimes see the great blessing of being pastors. Our church was gracious and gave us a 12-week sabbatical in 2009, showered us for "Pastor Appreciation" in October, and many spoiled us with thoughtful Christmas gifts. The "perks" don't go unnoticed by our children.
However, they sometimes also see the "pits" of being in ministry. I think that they can sense the periodic stress, the busy hours, and people's disgruntlement or conflict when it arises. We try to protect them from experiencing or hearing things, but as they get older it's not always possible. They have been party to loosing friends when families leave the church, or are aware of long meetings or "discussion", or overhearing unhappy comments from people.
I truly believe that the "perks" far outweigh the "pits", but will our children feel the same way? I pray so. I long that they find great delight in staying connected to Christ and the Church, and that they even fall in love with serving Him with their lives...pits and all!
Lord, our lives should be lived to glorify and honor you, worshiping you all along the way. Our family has counted it a privilege to serve you, and accept your calling for us. We have chosen to serve you with our lives. Even now, our children will begin to decide for themselves, if church is an important part of their lives, and if they will continue to participate in worship services, or in church ministries, serving you. Lord, protect their hearts and minds from any bitterness, hurt, or confusion in regards to the church. Keep them strong in their faith, and overlook the heartaches, fears, or burdens that come from being committed to a church family. Help our children to fix their eyes on you, the author and perfecter of their faith, and focus on the perks and benefits of following you with their lives. Lord, please help them to fall in love with the church, and find great joy in serving, worshiping, and living their lives for you. Lord, we love you, and entrust our children's future to you.

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