Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Growing in Patience

"Love is patient, love is kind."  1 Corinthians 13:4

Even at 18 and 15 my children have troubles getting along.  Yesterday, in the heat of the day and in the busyness of errands, I found myself remarking on how they were acting like they did when they were 8 and 5.

"He's touching me."
"She's making fun of me."
"She hit me."
"He won't stop."

My index fingers finally found their way to my ears and the child-like side of me responded with, "La-la-la, I can't hear you!"

I'm thinking that there is still room for prayer in the department of patience and kindness...especially in regards to my kids relationship with one another. 

Oh Lord, you're sure not finished yet!

I pray, dear Jesus, that Alyssa and Kyle grow in patience and kindness.  May the words of their mouths, and the meditation of their hearts be pleasing to you.  When hot-tempered, Alyssa and Kyle can stir up dissension, but when patient they can calm a quarrel.  Lord, mark our dear children with your Spirit, so that they will look more and more like you to the world around them.  Amen.


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