My daughter has this crazy
addiction. She can't have enough of the little sanitizing hand gels
from Bath & Body Works. I'm sure it will take her the next ten
years to use the stash she already owns. I'm not sure if its a
fascination of having clean hands or the temptation of wonderful
smells. Either way she gets both I guess.
I guess hand gel can give a good
cleaning, but so can a good wash with soap and water. They can clean
our hands well. However, only one thing can cleanse our hearts. I'm
afraid all the Bath & Body gel in the world won't get that job done.
Only Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ alone washes away our
sins, makes us clean, and makes our hearts new. I pray that Alyssa and
Kyle accepts the gift of His salvation, and have confidence in knowing
that their hearts are cleansed by Him. What joy He alone will bring.
And I can guarantee this: He is such a better addiction than Bath & Body hand gel.
Lord, create in Alyssa and Kyle a pure heart,
and renew a steadfast spirit within them.
Do not cast Alyssa and Kyle from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from them.
Restore to Alyssa and Kyle the joy of your salvation
and grant them a willing spirit, to sustain them.(Psalm 51:10-12)
Do not cast Alyssa and Kyle from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from them.
Restore to Alyssa and Kyle the joy of your salvation
and grant them a willing spirit, to sustain them.(Psalm 51:10-12)

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