emptying out the pockets of my life.
I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
right out in front,
Leading them all,
eager to arrive and worship,
Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
celebrating, all of us, God's feast! --Psalm 42:4 (The Message)
God has blessed us with a feast of things to give Him praise for! I am shouting praises and singing thanksgiving!
- Our family took a 12 hour drive to Las Vegas for the weekend and had a great time together! We ate at In & Out Burger (twice), watched the fountain show at the Bellagio hotel (Beautiful!!!), walked "The Strip" to see M & M World, the Hard Rock Cafe, and the Coca-Cola store. We also fulfilled Lyssa's "life long dream" and ate at the famous Rainforest Cafe.
- Our kids drove most of the way to Las Vegas, and though sitting in the back is not my favorite place to be, it was fun to realize how much they have grown! And we made it there and back safely!
- The purpose of our trip was for a baseball tournament. Though our team only went 1-3, I love watching Kyle play. He shined at shortstop, making some great diving catches, and after a slight hitting slump, went 3 for 3 in the final game. Even in those small moments of discouragement, he didn't let it get him down. And Lyss watched 2 of the 3 games. Yeah.
- Driving through Nevada we found ourselves just awestruck at God's creation. Some of the miles were long and dreary, but at other times we just reveled in the beauty!
The Bellagio Fountains
Lyss and the "Stone"
My Ball Player...getting dirty.
Can anyone tell me how to get that red dirt out of the white baseball pants?
Kyle is in the front row, second from the left.
Lord, thank you for the feast of blessings you've bestowed on our family this week. Our hearts are shouting praise and singing thanksgiving. Oh how you must love your children!

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