Friday, February 3, 2012

Stand in Awe

"I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord."  Habakkuk 3:2

Daria, Kyle, and Alyssa at the Oregon Coast (2005)

Sometimes, when you see evidence of God in your life, you just have to raise your hands in worship.  I'm not sure if that is what Daria was really doing in this picture, but I know that every time I see the power of the ocean, my heart just wants to cry out in worship.  What are the things in your life, that move you to stand in awe and adoration of our God?  

A beautiful sunset.
My children's laughter.
The sound of the river rushing by.
The smell of lilacs.
A child talking about God or singing their heart out to Him.
Crickets outside my window.
A rainbow.

There are a lot of things that aren't "cool", "sound interesting", or are "bo-rrring" in a teenager's life.  It's a common occurrence to hear those things around here.  Oh how I want my kids to recognize God in their every day lives, and find things that move them to worship Him.  There is nothing, and no one, more worthy of our awe.

Lord, you are so worthy of our praise. You deserve all of our honor, adoration, and awe.  You are so evident in the daily things our lives, yet often we miss it.  Lord, open my children's eyes so that they may see you clearly.  May they stand in awe of your power and majesty when they look at your creation.  Or sense your love when they read your Word, or see you in someone else's life, or recognize your blessings.  I pray that my children recognize your presence, and your work in their lives, moment by moment.  Lord, I want them to always stand in awe of your deeds, your presence, and your blessing.  God, you are so good!

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