Tuesday, February 21, 2012

O Be Careful Little Eyes

Somehow I missed yesterday's blog.  I wrote one, but I don't know where it disappeared.  We've just returned from a weekend in Las Vegas for a baseball tournament.  Our family had a great time together and we found so many ways to laugh and have fun together.  It was a blessed weekend in so many ways. 

I have to say though that the one downside was the oppression of sin everywhere we went....gambling, addictions, sexual temptations, and greed in multiplied fashion.  It reminds me to pray for our kids.  And I mean, pray hard!! (This blog was previously written, but seemed very appropriate for today!)  Welcome home to us!!!

"I will set no worthless thing before my eyes..."  Psalm 101:3

Kyle (1998)

O be careful little eyes what you see O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see.

O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little ears what you hear
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little ears what you hear.

Our children have an amazing amount of opportunities to gain knowledge, and see things that I can hardly begin to fathom.  Sometimes it's scary to think of all the trash that they can see, hear, or find.  Innocence is easily lost.  At the tips of their fingers they have computers, iPods, iTunes, cell phones, movies, cable TV...the list goes on and on.

I pray for the innocence and purity of our children's hearts and minds, and hope that as I loose more and more control of their choices of music, apps, and movies, that they choose wisely and keep their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts clean and pure.  Innocence and purity so that they remain sensitive, receptive and ready to hear Christ above all else.

O be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear.

Lord, you have so many good things for your children to see, hear and experience, yet so often there are other things that get in the way.  Temptations are rampant, and we are easily swayed to partake of things that don't please you or reflect you in our lives.  These things often drown you out, and our eyes can't see you clearly, and our ears can't hear you speak to us.  Lord, protect our children's hearts, minds, and their eyes and ears.  Keep them for making poor choices that keep them from experiencing your presence in their lives.  Make their hearts, dear Jesus, sensitive to you and the things you desire for their lives.  Remove any temptation or desire to digest things that mock you, or don't line up with your heart and mind, and pull them further from your presence in their lives.  Make our children sensitive to your spirit, and choose purity, each and every day.  I love you, dear Jesus, and I entrust their eyes, ears and hearts to you.


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