God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Healthy Habits
For weeks (or months) now, Kyle has been conditioning for the new baseball season that is about to begin. On top of that he's been taking a weight lifting class since the beginning of the school year. Between all this "fun" stuff, he's growing strong and healthy.
Kyle's dad is good at keeping up with good exercise too. I need to be better at following their example.
Today, as Kyle's out running "suicides" and lifting a few pounds in the weight room, I am reminded to pray for our kid's continued health in life, but also their discipline to do their part to stay that in tip-top shape.
You better pray for their mom as well...
Lord, our bodies are the temple of your Holy Spirit, and you want us to lead disciplined and healthy lives. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find within themselves to do their best at keeping their bodies in tip-top shape, looking to your help to be disciplined in their eating habits and exercise. I don't want them to be obsessed by it, by any means, nor become prideful in their body image, but I do pray that they become good stewards of the bodies you have given them. May they give everything that have to keep from sloppy living. Thank you, dear Jesus, for Alyssa and Kyle's health and their strong and able bodies. You have fearfully and wonderfully made my precious babies! And oh how I love them!

Monday, February 27, 2012
Praying Scripture: Place of Safety
I love you, LORD;
you are our families strength.
LORD, you are Alyssa & Kyle's rock, their fortress, and their savior;
you, God, are their rock, in whom they can find protection.
You are Alyssa & Kyle's shield, and the power that saves them,
and their place of safety.
I call on you LORD, who is worthy of praise,
for you can save Alyssa & Kyle from their enemies.
In Alyssa & Kyle's distress I know that they can cry out to you LORD;
yes, they can pray to you, God, for help.
You hear Alyssa & Kyle from their sanctuary;
their cry to you reaches your ears.
You light a lamp for Alyssa & Kyle.
You LORD, are Alyssa & Kyle's God, and you light up their darkness.
In your strength Alyssa & Kyle can crush an army;
with you they can scale any wall.
Your way is perfect.
All Your promises prove true.
You are a shield for Alyssa & Kyle when they looks to you for protection.
For who are you, God, except the LORD?
Who but you, God, is their solid rock?
God, I ask that you arm Alyssa & Kyle with strength,
and make their ways perfect.
Make Alyssa & Kyle as surefooted as a deer,
enabling them to stand on mountain heights.
We love you, LORD;
you are our strength.
(Psalm 18: 1-3, 6, 28-33)

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Salvation Saturday
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8
My Lyssa girl!
Lord, today I pray for the salvation of Alyssa and Kyle. I pray that they always follow you with their hearts, minds and souls, and call you God and Savior. You love Alyssa and Kyle so much that you gave your one and only Son so that they would have eternal life. May they know the abundant life you have in store for their lives. You offer them hope, joy, peace, and strength as they trust in you. Make known to Alyssa and Kyle the path of life; and fill them with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. You are all our children need. Thank you wooing them to yourself, day after day, and moment by moment, precious Savior.

Friday, February 24, 2012
Not the Bat
"In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him." 1 Samuel 18:14
Kyle and his new bat (2012)
and tomorrow Kyle has his first high school baseball tryouts. I always
pray for Kyle's success in everything he does, but today I'm just
praying for this great opportunity he has. I think I'm more nervous that
he is. Ha!
But this I know...I know that it is God who will give him success today.
And I think Kyle knows that too!
Trust God, my dear son!
It's all Him...
and not that new bat you're going to swing!
Lord, our God, I know and believe that in everything our children do,
they will have great success, because you are with them. Today, help
Kyle to be confident that you are his strength. May he trust in you
with all of his heart, and that whatever the outcome, it is part of your
ultimate plan. In the moments that fear becomes overwhelming, I pray
that he prays to you and finds your peace that passes all
understanding. We love you, dear Jesus, and trust you with all that
this day holds.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thankful Thursday: Celebrating God's Feast
These are the things I go over and over,
emptying out the pockets of my life.
I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
right out in front,
Leading them all,
eager to arrive and worship,
Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
celebrating, all of us, God's feast! --Psalm 42:4 (The Message)
God has blessed us with a feast of things to give Him praise for! I am shouting praises and singing thanksgiving!
Lord, thank you for the feast of blessings you've bestowed on our family this week. Our hearts are shouting praise and singing thanksgiving. Oh how you must love your children!
emptying out the pockets of my life.
I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
right out in front,
Leading them all,
eager to arrive and worship,
Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
celebrating, all of us, God's feast! --Psalm 42:4 (The Message)
God has blessed us with a feast of things to give Him praise for! I am shouting praises and singing thanksgiving!
- Our family took a 12 hour drive to Las Vegas for the weekend and had a great time together! We ate at In & Out Burger (twice), watched the fountain show at the Bellagio hotel (Beautiful!!!), walked "The Strip" to see M & M World, the Hard Rock Cafe, and the Coca-Cola store. We also fulfilled Lyssa's "life long dream" and ate at the famous Rainforest Cafe.
- Our kids drove most of the way to Las Vegas, and though sitting in the back is not my favorite place to be, it was fun to realize how much they have grown! And we made it there and back safely!
- The purpose of our trip was for a baseball tournament. Though our team only went 1-3, I love watching Kyle play. He shined at shortstop, making some great diving catches, and after a slight hitting slump, went 3 for 3 in the final game. Even in those small moments of discouragement, he didn't let it get him down. And Lyss watched 2 of the 3 games. Yeah.
- Driving through Nevada we found ourselves just awestruck at God's creation. Some of the miles were long and dreary, but at other times we just reveled in the beauty!
The Bellagio Fountains
Lyss and the "Stone"
My Ball Player...getting dirty.
Can anyone tell me how to get that red dirt out of the white baseball pants?
Kyle is in the front row, second from the left.
Lord, thank you for the feast of blessings you've bestowed on our family this week. Our hearts are shouting praise and singing thanksgiving. Oh how you must love your children!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
O Be Careful Little Eyes
Somehow I missed yesterday's blog. I wrote one, but I don't know where it disappeared. We've just returned from a weekend in Las Vegas for a baseball tournament. Our family had a great time together and we found so many ways to laugh and have fun together. It was a blessed weekend in so many ways.
I have to say though that the one downside was the oppression of sin everywhere we went....gambling, addictions, sexual temptations, and greed in multiplied fashion. It reminds me to pray for our kids. And I mean, pray hard!! (This blog was previously written, but seemed very appropriate for today!) Welcome home to us!!!
"I will set no worthless thing before my eyes..." Psalm 101:3
O be careful little eyes what you see O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little ears what you hear
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little ears what you hear.
Our children have an amazing amount of opportunities to gain knowledge, and see things that I can hardly begin to fathom. Sometimes it's scary to think of all the trash that they can see, hear, or find. Innocence is easily lost. At the tips of their fingers they have computers, iPods, iTunes, cell phones, movies, cable TV...the list goes on and on.
I pray for the innocence and purity of our children's hearts and minds, and hope that as I loose more and more control of their choices of music, apps, and movies, that they choose wisely and keep their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts clean and pure. Innocence and purity so that they remain sensitive, receptive and ready to hear Christ above all else.
O be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear.
Lord, you have so many good things for your children to see, hear and experience, yet so often there are other things that get in the way. Temptations are rampant, and we are easily swayed to partake of things that don't please you or reflect you in our lives. These things often drown you out, and our eyes can't see you clearly, and our ears can't hear you speak to us. Lord, protect our children's hearts, minds, and their eyes and ears. Keep them for making poor choices that keep them from experiencing your presence in their lives. Make their hearts, dear Jesus, sensitive to you and the things you desire for their lives. Remove any temptation or desire to digest things that mock you, or don't line up with your heart and mind, and pull them further from your presence in their lives. Make our children sensitive to your spirit, and choose purity, each and every day. I love you, dear Jesus, and I entrust their eyes, ears and hearts to you.
I have to say though that the one downside was the oppression of sin everywhere we went....gambling, addictions, sexual temptations, and greed in multiplied fashion. It reminds me to pray for our kids. And I mean, pray hard!! (This blog was previously written, but seemed very appropriate for today!) Welcome home to us!!!
"I will set no worthless thing before my eyes..." Psalm 101:3
Kyle (1998)
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little ears what you hear
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little ears what you hear.
Our children have an amazing amount of opportunities to gain knowledge, and see things that I can hardly begin to fathom. Sometimes it's scary to think of all the trash that they can see, hear, or find. Innocence is easily lost. At the tips of their fingers they have computers, iPods, iTunes, cell phones, movies, cable TV...the list goes on and on.
I pray for the innocence and purity of our children's hearts and minds, and hope that as I loose more and more control of their choices of music, apps, and movies, that they choose wisely and keep their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts clean and pure. Innocence and purity so that they remain sensitive, receptive and ready to hear Christ above all else.
O be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear.
Lord, you have so many good things for your children to see, hear and experience, yet so often there are other things that get in the way. Temptations are rampant, and we are easily swayed to partake of things that don't please you or reflect you in our lives. These things often drown you out, and our eyes can't see you clearly, and our ears can't hear you speak to us. Lord, protect our children's hearts, minds, and their eyes and ears. Keep them for making poor choices that keep them from experiencing your presence in their lives. Make their hearts, dear Jesus, sensitive to you and the things you desire for their lives. Remove any temptation or desire to digest things that mock you, or don't line up with your heart and mind, and pull them further from your presence in their lives. Make our children sensitive to your spirit, and choose purity, each and every day. I love you, dear Jesus, and I entrust their eyes, ears and hearts to you.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Be Faithful
"Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10
Lord, thank you for the beginning of a new day. Thank you for the sunshine, for precious times with family, and for another day of life. For each breath we take, good health, freedom, and warm homes. A life so rich! I pray that our children will always live easy, conflict free, challenge-less lives...though I know that is completely unrealistic. But you know, a mom can ask. Lord, in the complicated moments of their life, I pray that our children will always remain faithful to you. I pray that they will always call on your name, seek you for wisdom and help, and represent you in a beautiful fashion. May they always call on your name, and stand for you when they face persecution of any kind. Lord, may our children always live true to their calling as your daughter and son. Every day, be close beside them, cheering them on in their faith and encouraging them to run their race strong and with great purpose. Dear Jesus, thank you for hearing this mother's prayer.
Be faithful, my dear children, because God will bless you with the crown of life!
Alyssa and Kyle (2001)
Lord, thank you for the beginning of a new day. Thank you for the sunshine, for precious times with family, and for another day of life. For each breath we take, good health, freedom, and warm homes. A life so rich! I pray that our children will always live easy, conflict free, challenge-less lives...though I know that is completely unrealistic. But you know, a mom can ask. Lord, in the complicated moments of their life, I pray that our children will always remain faithful to you. I pray that they will always call on your name, seek you for wisdom and help, and represent you in a beautiful fashion. May they always call on your name, and stand for you when they face persecution of any kind. Lord, may our children always live true to their calling as your daughter and son. Every day, be close beside them, cheering them on in their faith and encouraging them to run their race strong and with great purpose. Dear Jesus, thank you for hearing this mother's prayer.
Be faithful, my dear children, because God will bless you with the crown of life!

Friday, February 17, 2012
Praying for Mom
I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16
Lord, today as a mom I am singing of your strength. You are the One who gives me all that I need to be the mother you want me to be. I look to you, dear Jesus, for your guidance, wisdom, and arm of strength day by day. Today, I am singing of your love. You love me with an everlasting love. You made a way for all people to draw near to you, and to have a personal relationship with you. My relationship with you is what drives me and gives me strength. Daily I sense your love, and it gives me hope, peace, and purpose, especially as I parent my children. Parenting is not an easy job, but with you Lord, I know that I will not only survive, I will thrive. Continue to be my strength each morning, my fortress and my refuge in times of trouble.
Lord, today as a mom I am singing of your strength. You are the One who gives me all that I need to be the mother you want me to be. I look to you, dear Jesus, for your guidance, wisdom, and arm of strength day by day. Today, I am singing of your love. You love me with an everlasting love. You made a way for all people to draw near to you, and to have a personal relationship with you. My relationship with you is what drives me and gives me strength. Daily I sense your love, and it gives me hope, peace, and purpose, especially as I parent my children. Parenting is not an easy job, but with you Lord, I know that I will not only survive, I will thrive. Continue to be my strength each morning, my fortress and my refuge in times of trouble.

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thankful Thursday...Rejoicing!
"Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." 1 Chronicles 16:10
Lord, let the hearts of those who seek the you rejoice! I'm rejoicing in so many things you have been doing in our lives. You are continually at work changing my life, and the lives of our kids, as you draw them nearer to yourself. I surrender every detail, in the present and future, to be under your control, trusting that you know what is best for our lives. Through your power may our lives bring glory to your holy name! Today I rejoice in you!
Photo taken by Lyss
In Lyssa's trip for college scholarship interviews last weekend. She went, she interviewed, she lived the college life for a couple of days, and she came home safely. God was watching over her. We look forward to watching God' leading and providing, trusting that He's done good so far!
In the joy on Kyle's face as he goes to school and comes home after a great day. He is thriving in the new environment and seems to enjoy learning to a new degree. Picking out new classes for next year was like opening Christmas presents. So many fun choices. Now I'm just wondering where God is leading him for a future career.
In my love for being a part of ministry to the women of our church. Planning our upcoming retreat is full of God sightings, a fun night of laughter exchanging Secret Sisters, and leading Women's Bible study last week found me reveling in how I love seeing God's hand in those moments and in awe of how He uses me sometimes. I often feel so inadequate, but over and over again, I am blessed by God's work!
In my Sunday night prayer group. It's small but mighty. God has brought me through a time of real anger, bitterness, and disappointment over the "success" of this ministry, and filled me instead with a contentment to be where I'm at no matter how it looks to my naked and natural eye. Because supernaturally it looks totally different.
Glory in your holy name!
Lord, let the hearts of those who seek the you rejoice! I'm rejoicing in so many things you have been doing in our lives. You are continually at work changing my life, and the lives of our kids, as you draw them nearer to yourself. I surrender every detail, in the present and future, to be under your control, trusting that you know what is best for our lives. Through your power may our lives bring glory to your holy name! Today I rejoice in you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Future Valentines
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
"Marriage is not a noun, it's a verb.
It isn't something you get. It's something you do.
It's the way you love your partner every day."
-- Barbara De Angelis
As we celebrate Valentines Day, I am faced with the reality that our kids aren't too
far from the days when they will be thinking about marriage, and
finding their life mates. Soon Valentine's Day will be a day worth
celebrating, because they will have someone to celebrate with. I'm
praying for them to find the mate God has planned just for them, and
that they choose to work hard throughout their lifetime to love their
spouse deeply. I long for them to live in deep happiness, and in
marriages that are strong, healthy, and committed for the long haul. One day, I hope they will be celebrating their 25th Valentines Day together!
Happy Valentines Day, to my dear Hubby!
Lord, you have blessed my life
richly with a wonderful husband and a marriage that brings me much
happiness. You knew the man who would be perfect for me, and you
brought us together in beautiful fashion. Sure, we have struggles and
ups and downs, but you are always there pushing us to be better, to look
to you for guidance, and lean on you for understanding. Lord, I pray
that our children find the mates that you have designed perfectly for
them. Mates that will love them deeply, be willing to work through the
hard things, always be faithful, and live their lives devoted to you. I
pray that our kids have marriages that are full of love, happiness,
peace, contentment, and respect. Begin preparing them, and their future
spouses, for a beautiful adventure, with you by their side.

Monday, February 13, 2012
Servant Assignments
Who do you think Paul is, anyway? Or Apollos, for that matter?
Servants, both of us—servants who waited on you as you gradually
learned to entrust your lives to our mutual Master. We each carried out
our servant assignment. I planted the seed, Apollos watered the
plants, but God made you grow. It's not the one who plants or the one
who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes
things grow. Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum
wages. What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. You
happen to be God's field in which we are working." 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
"We each carried out our servant assignment." What will be Lyssa and Kyle's "servant assignment" be? How will they recognize God's leading and plan in their lives? What will they do? Who will they be? In what ways will the serve our Savior with their lives? Oh, I can't wait to see how they carry out their days ahead.
But those things they do? "What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving." May their hearts be so entwined with their Savior that they can't help but long to serve Him.
Thank you, Lord, for knowing the plans you have for Alyssa and Kyle. Thank you that you will carry onto completion the work you are doing in their lives. And thank you for the gifts and talents that you give them, and that they have opportunities to serve, teach, and bless others with those gifts. I pray, dear Jesus, that Alyssa and Kyle will be attentive to your voice, and aware of your leading, as you continue to mold and make them into what you want them to be. May they always follow you, and walk obediently in your path. Use them to draw other people to yourself. Allow them the opportunity to minister to others, and reflect you living in their lives. Grow in them a trust and faith in you, so that no matter where you lead, they will follow! Thank you, Lord, for whatever the servant assignment is for Alyssa and Kyle, and for the reminder that what makes them worth doing is you, God we are serving. I love you, dear Jesus, deeper than words can express.
"We each carried out our servant assignment." What will be Lyssa and Kyle's "servant assignment" be? How will they recognize God's leading and plan in their lives? What will they do? Who will they be? In what ways will the serve our Savior with their lives? Oh, I can't wait to see how they carry out their days ahead.
But those things they do? "What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving." May their hearts be so entwined with their Savior that they can't help but long to serve Him.
Thank you, Lord, for knowing the plans you have for Alyssa and Kyle. Thank you that you will carry onto completion the work you are doing in their lives. And thank you for the gifts and talents that you give them, and that they have opportunities to serve, teach, and bless others with those gifts. I pray, dear Jesus, that Alyssa and Kyle will be attentive to your voice, and aware of your leading, as you continue to mold and make them into what you want them to be. May they always follow you, and walk obediently in your path. Use them to draw other people to yourself. Allow them the opportunity to minister to others, and reflect you living in their lives. Grow in them a trust and faith in you, so that no matter where you lead, they will follow! Thank you, Lord, for whatever the servant assignment is for Alyssa and Kyle, and for the reminder that what makes them worth doing is you, God we are serving. I love you, dear Jesus, deeper than words can express.

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Praying Scripture: Isaiah 61
LORD you are anointed
to preach good news to the poor.
Please preach that good news to Alyssa and Kyle.
Bind up Alyssa and Kyle when they are brokenhearted,
and proclaim freedom for them when they are captives
and release them from darkness when they are prisoners,
and proclaim the year of your favor
and the day of your vengeance.
Comfort Alyssa and Kyle when they mourn,
and provide for them who grieve in Zion—
Bestow on Alyssa and Kyle a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of your splendor.
Isaiah 61:1-3

Friday, February 10, 2012
Just How God Is
“He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.” Proverbs 2:8 (NLT)
I remember Alyssa’s first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday. Dropping off my firstborn, and entrusting her to the care of someone I didn’t know for the afternoon, caused a small bit of apprehension. Would she be well cared for, and protected from all harms? What would she learn and experience? Would she choose good friends? Unlike all of the days of her life so far, I was loosing control of what happened in my daughter’s life. For three hours each day she would be on her own, and without me by her side.
And last night, my baby flew to Oregon by herself, and is spending the weekend at the college of her choice, participating in scholarship interviews. Scary, scary. Before I know it, she will move from our home, and no longer be under our roof on a daily basis. With each step of growth in my daughter, my own grasp on her life lessens more and more. As I become less in her life, I pray that God becomes more.
I am learning to entrust my children to God’s care each and every day, believing that He guards their path and protects them from harm when I can no longer be near them. His eyes can see farther than mine will ever be able to, and His arms will protect them better than mine ever can. He is God, and I am not. He will watch over them today, just as He did yesterday, and will do tomorrow. That’s just how God is.
That’s just how God is.
Lord, guard the paths of Alyssa and Kyle, and protect them because they are faithful to you. Be near them each day, leading, guiding, and guarding them. Lead them down paths that lead directly to you, and towards the plans you have for their lives. Lord, watch over Alyssa and Kyle all the days of their lives. Teach me to continually entrust them to your care, and believe in my heart that you have your hands protecting them. Guard their hearts from anger, hurt, loneliness, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Guard their eyes from seeing things that aren’t from you. Guard their ears from hearing the enemy’s voice leading them away from you, Lord. Guard their hands from doing evil and hurting others. Lord, I entrust Alyssa and Kyle to your care, knowing that you will protect them in ways that I cannot. What a reassurance for this mother’s heart. I love you, Lord Jesus!
I remember Alyssa’s first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday. Dropping off my firstborn, and entrusting her to the care of someone I didn’t know for the afternoon, caused a small bit of apprehension. Would she be well cared for, and protected from all harms? What would she learn and experience? Would she choose good friends? Unlike all of the days of her life so far, I was loosing control of what happened in my daughter’s life. For three hours each day she would be on her own, and without me by her side.
And last night, my baby flew to Oregon by herself, and is spending the weekend at the college of her choice, participating in scholarship interviews. Scary, scary. Before I know it, she will move from our home, and no longer be under our roof on a daily basis. With each step of growth in my daughter, my own grasp on her life lessens more and more. As I become less in her life, I pray that God becomes more.
I am learning to entrust my children to God’s care each and every day, believing that He guards their path and protects them from harm when I can no longer be near them. His eyes can see farther than mine will ever be able to, and His arms will protect them better than mine ever can. He is God, and I am not. He will watch over them today, just as He did yesterday, and will do tomorrow. That’s just how God is.
That’s just how God is.
Lord, guard the paths of Alyssa and Kyle, and protect them because they are faithful to you. Be near them each day, leading, guiding, and guarding them. Lead them down paths that lead directly to you, and towards the plans you have for their lives. Lord, watch over Alyssa and Kyle all the days of their lives. Teach me to continually entrust them to your care, and believe in my heart that you have your hands protecting them. Guard their hearts from anger, hurt, loneliness, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Guard their eyes from seeing things that aren’t from you. Guard their ears from hearing the enemy’s voice leading them away from you, Lord. Guard their hands from doing evil and hurting others. Lord, I entrust Alyssa and Kyle to your care, knowing that you will protect them in ways that I cannot. What a reassurance for this mother’s heart. I love you, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thankful Thursday
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need." Psalm 23:1
I am rich indeed!
Of course, some added benefits that my Shepherd has blessed me with this week...
Yes, God is good! I have all that I need...and more!
Lord, thank you for the many ways you have blessed me. I truly have all that I need. My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for my dear family....for my beautiful and strong daughter, my humorous and disciplined son, and for my loving and hardworking husband. If that is all that you were to give me, I'd still be grateful. Thank you, Lord, for showering my life with abundant blessings! You are a good and faithful God, and I pray that Alyssa and Kyle know that full well!
- I have my dear hubby and my two wonderful children.
- I have a beautiful home where I find rest, peace, and warmth.
- I have a church family that is loving, passionate, and giving in so many ways.
- I have food to feed my family.
- I have a cozy bed to sleep in.
- I have a car, or two or three , to drive.
- I have His Word that speaks to me.
I am rich indeed!
Of course, some added benefits that my Shepherd has blessed me with this week...
- Coffee time with a friend.
- Kids hanging out together, laughing and chatting, in ways that I haven't seen in ages.
- A note my daughter left for her Grammy.
- Kyle hung out with some Christian friends during the Superbowl.
- Someone from church mailed Lyss a sweet card.
- A hugely successful Pampered Chef party...so many sweet friends squished into my home, and I "earned" some great stuff along the way ($190 of free stuff to be exact)! Spoiled.
Yes, God is good! I have all that I need...and more!
Lord, thank you for the many ways you have blessed me. I truly have all that I need. My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for my dear family....for my beautiful and strong daughter, my humorous and disciplined son, and for my loving and hardworking husband. If that is all that you were to give me, I'd still be grateful. Thank you, Lord, for showering my life with abundant blessings! You are a good and faithful God, and I pray that Alyssa and Kyle know that full well!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A Little Wish
No matter how much you want,
laziness won't help a bit,
but hard work will reward you
with more than enough.
Proverbs 13:4
I just want the dishes to make it into the dishwasher...
without me,
without reminding,
without sitting in the sink.
That's all.
Lord, I'm just whining a bit today, probably, but I know you hear my prayers and understand my heart. I so want Alyssa and Kyle to have helping hands around the house. Laziness will not reward them, but working hard will be of great benefit, now and in the future. Help them to have hands that work hard, bless others, and show compassion and sensitivity to the world around them. Remove any tendencies in them to be sluggards and sloths, and find within themselves the joy that comes from using their hands. You have given Alyssa and Kyle special gifts and strengths, and I pray that they use those gifts to bless your Kingdom and live lives that bring you glory!

Monday, February 6, 2012
Persevering and Persistent
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
As I was searching for something this last weekend, we came across a letter that Alyssa wrote me when she was in third grade. You have to realize that there were times in our house where I was sure I was living in a farm...or better yet a ZOO...and the thought of one more animal joining our family did not bring this mother much pleasure. Ken was always the easy one to persuade, but I on the other hand, took great convincing and bribing. Therefore, the letter.
Oh can kids be persistent when they want something. I pray that they can take that "gift" and learn to use it in their prayer life. Being persevering and persistent will draw them ever closer to their Savior.
I don't really remember if this letter accomplished what the kids wanted, but I'm sure God wouldn't have turned them down! if they prayed with such eloquence and persistence!
Lord, I love that you hear our prayers and know the desires of our hearts. I love that you promise that when we seek you we will find you, and when we ask it will be given to us. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find great joy and delight in coming to you, dear Jesus, in prayer. I long for them to know the peace that passes all understanding that comes from you as they learn to trust you with their fears, needs and wants. May Alyssa and Kyle approach your throne of grace with confidence so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help them in their times of need. Thank you, precious Savior, for hearing our prayers!
As I was searching for something this last weekend, we came across a letter that Alyssa wrote me when she was in third grade. You have to realize that there were times in our house where I was sure I was living in a farm...or better yet a ZOO...and the thought of one more animal joining our family did not bring this mother much pleasure. Ken was always the easy one to persuade, but I on the other hand, took great convincing and bribing. Therefore, the letter.
Oh can kids be persistent when they want something. I pray that they can take that "gift" and learn to use it in their prayer life. Being persevering and persistent will draw them ever closer to their Savior.
I don't really remember if this letter accomplished what the kids wanted, but I'm sure God wouldn't have turned them down! if they prayed with such eloquence and persistence!
Lord, I love that you hear our prayers and know the desires of our hearts. I love that you promise that when we seek you we will find you, and when we ask it will be given to us. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find great joy and delight in coming to you, dear Jesus, in prayer. I long for them to know the peace that passes all understanding that comes from you as they learn to trust you with their fears, needs and wants. May Alyssa and Kyle approach your throne of grace with confidence so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help them in their times of need. Thank you, precious Savior, for hearing our prayers!

Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Keeper of My Heart
You dwell in the songs that we are singing
Rising to the Heavens
Rising to Your heart
Our praises filling up the spaces
In between our frailty and everything You are
You are the keeper of my heart
And I'm restless
I’m restless
'Til I rest in You
(Oh God I wanna rest in You)
Oh speak now for my soul is listening
Say that You have saved me
Whisper in the dark
'Cause I know You’re more than my salvation
Without You I am hopeless
Tell me who You are
You are the keeper of my heart
Still my heart
Hold me close
Let me hear a still small voice
Let it grow
Let it rise
Into a shout
Into a cry
I am restless until I rest in You
Written by Audrey Assad and Matt Maher
© 2010 River Oaks Music Company (BMI)
Lord and Precious Savior, thank you for being the keeper of my heart, and for being the keeper of Alyssa and Kyle's hearts. In their restlessness, may our children come to know that you are their hope and salvation, and that you alone are their rest. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle's souls are listening to you, dear Jesus, because they need you to tell them who they are. Your sweet salvation will be their greatest gift and joy, and your presence with them will bring the deepest calm throughout the trials, fears, and temptations in their lives. Lord, be the keeper of Alyssa and Kyle's hearts!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Stand in Awe
"I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord." Habakkuk 3:2
Daria, Kyle, and Alyssa at the Oregon Coast (2005)
Sometimes, when you see
evidence of God in your life, you just have to raise your hands in
worship. I'm not sure if that is what Daria was really doing in this
picture, but I know that every time I see the power of the ocean, my
heart just wants to cry out in worship. What are the things in your
life, that move you to stand in awe and adoration of our God?
A beautiful sunset.
My children's laughter.
The sound of the river rushing by.
The smell of lilacs.
A child talking about God or singing their heart out to Him.
Crickets outside my window.
A rainbow.
There are a lot of things that
aren't "cool", "sound interesting", or are "bo-rrring" in a teenager's
life. It's a common occurrence to hear those things around here. Oh how
I want my kids to recognize God in their every day lives, and find
things that move them to worship Him. There is nothing, and no one,
more worthy of our awe.
Lord, you are so worthy of our praise. You
deserve all of our honor, adoration, and awe. You are so evident in
the daily things our lives, yet often we miss it. Lord, open my
children's eyes so that they may see you clearly. May they stand in awe
of your power and majesty when they look at your creation. Or sense
your love when they read your Word, or see you in someone else's life,
or recognize your blessings. I pray that my children recognize your
presence, and your work in their lives, moment by moment. Lord, I want
them to always stand in awe of your deeds, your presence, and your
blessing. God, you are so good!

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thankful Thursday: God Hears
I have to say that I just love looking at
pictures when my babies were small! (1996)
I know that God hears my prayers. How do I know? He answers.
Sometimes with a "yes".
Sometimes with a "no".
Once in a while with a "Let's wait and see."
Periodically He changes my mind.
However, I always have an assurance that He is listening.
This week was no different. I sensed His care as I cast my burdens on Him, and He answered me when I called.
Lord, thank you for hearing your children when they call on your name. Thank you for answering me when I prayed to you for help this week. I know and trust that you are watching over Alyssa and Kyle and you are fighting for and working on their behalf every day. When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way. I pray that when Alyssa and Kyle need you, they will know they can cast their cares on you and you will care for them. We are your people, O Lord, and you are our God. Thank you for answering us when we call.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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