- Our church leaders had a wonderful retreat last weekend. God's presence was felt in big ways.
- I braved zip-lining, and enjoyed the laughter and encouragement of my church friends.
- Kyle stayed at home by himself...and the house is still standing and the dogs are still alive. I loved coming home and finding things fairly clean, and the dishwasher empty. Yeah.
- I've been on a ten week struggle with my eyes/contacts, and at the retreat I had a moment of pleading with God. I just wanted to wear my contact long enough that I could see the faces of my church family as we talked about how we've seen God working in our church over the last year. God answered, and I wore my contact for a good 5 hours before it "yelled" at me that it was done. Another praise...I went in to complain one more time about how my new contact was doing, and the doctor agreed it wasn't working well. Another contact is on order. Hopefully it will be a good answer before I hit week #11.
- A skype chat with Lyss (2 in one week) made my day. God is slowly answering prayers about her living situation. Though it's still hard, and things have not improved much, I think SHE is handling things a bit better. Hard to tell long distance, but I think her demeanor seemed more at peace.
- Kyle came home on Monday and announced that he got the top grade on a test in his calculus class...a 98%!
- I see little signs on Facebook that Lyss is enjoying her college classes. I'll give God thanks for the joy she is finding as she seeks ways to use the gifts He has given her.
Lord, thank you for these precious little blessings in my life this week. Your fingerprints are visible all over our lives. My soul proclaims the greatness of you, Lord, and my spirit has rejoices in you, my Savior! I pray that Alyssa and Kyle rejoice in you as well!

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