"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
(Photo Credit)

It was a Sunday afternoon after church, and our family headed to the local Mexican restaurant for lunch with a few families from our church. Of course, I can't remember anyone who was there now. I was too traumatized, I guess. We were close to the end of our meal and little Alyssa was starting to get antsy. A restaurant is really not a fun place for a 2-year old. Everything just takes too long. As the meal drew to a close, and I was focused on a conversation with a friend, Alyssa decided to stick her head through the back of her chair. Unfortunately, she was unable to get her head back out.
All of a sudden Alyssa was in a panic, and crying because she was stuck. I spent a few seconds trying to release her, but to no avail. She was truly stuck. Next thing I know everyone at our table began to stir, and we all began to work together to try to figure out how to make the rescue. Everyone except me anyway...After my initial discovery that Alyssa was stuck and that I couldn't get her out, I just stood back and let the tears flow in worry. (That's why I blame the hormones!) My baby was trapped in the chair.
With a screwdriver found by the restaurant staff, and the chair taken a part, Alyssa finally became free from her head-lock. Oh what sweet relief for both mother and daughter.
Life will be full of temptations, but God's Word promises that He will always provide a way for us to stand up under them. We will never get in such a tight place, that we can't get out. I'm thankful for that promise, and the hope it gives this mother, as she realizes all the temptations her children may face in life.
Oh God, watch over my dear children. And if they ever get in over their heads, please be their rescuer!
Oh Lord, how you love your children. I'm sure that your heart aches when you see them trapped by the things of this world. You offer us great hope when in the fact that no temptation will seize our children except what is common to man. And You are faithful; you will not let them be tempted beyond what they can bear. But when they are tempted, you will also provide a way out so that they can stand up under it. Thank you, dear Jesus, for watching over our children, and being with them in those hard times. In those moments where they can get into a tight squeeze, show them the way out, dear Jesus. Be the voice whispering in their ears, "This is the way; walk in it." I love you, dear Jesus. You are our blessed Rescuer!

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