Alyssa, Kyle and friends (2004)
Dear Lyssa,
As you came to mind today, I had a revelation that you and I are kind of going through similar things...believe it or not! I thought I'd share with you how I've been praying in my situation, and maybe it could be of encouragement to you.
One, I pray for the other person to change and see the light. Oh how the situation could quickly be remedied if they'd realize the error of their ways. HA! Especially if they could see how much it was hurting others someone else. We want people to recognize how they hurt us and are being "rude" and be sorry and willing to change. Keep praying that way, and I will too. God can do it!
Secondly, the other way I have been praying in my situation, and I find it a bit harder, is "God change me." I want Him to show ME the ways I need to change my expectation, my responses, and my heart. Ultimately, I think that will be the more important prayer in my situation. It's hard to learn how to love the unlovely, but God calls us to. So, I've been trying to find ways to intentionally love. People tend to change more through love than demand. It goes against every grain in me, but God calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. I don't always like doing it...or the response I get (or lack there of), but I know I'm being obedient to God's instruction to me.
God put us in these situations for a reason. Maybe its to grow us...and maybe its to love the other parties. For some reason He thought we could handle it and has purpose in our trials. My prayer for us both is that we become better (and not bitter) through the experience.
He's with you, baby! He loves you...walks beside you...and wants to work in and through your situation to make something beautiful in you. Trials aren't fun, but for some reason, they stretch and grow us into more what He wants us to be.
I'm praying for you and trusting for His intervention.
loving you...
Learning our part in hard relationships can often be challenging and takes us out of our comfort zones, but God is willing to walk with us as we are faithful to follow Him. And as we are obedient, God will take care of the rest.
Lord, help our kids in their relationships with others. Teach them to love abundantly, forgive freely, and pray diligently when relationships are strained and need mending. You call us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, yet that is often so against our human nature. Help Alyssa and Kyle to love supernaturally through your strength and leading. Bring people into their lives who will show them good what healthy relationships look like, and who are willing to work through conflict and misunderstandings, and show them love and forgiveness when they mess up. Lord, you give us people to love, and to love us in return. May we be good stewards of the friendships you give us. Amen.

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