And I have much to be thankful for! My trip to Hawaii was totally delightful, and at the same time, I am glad to be home with my dear family. I would be remiss to give God praise for my vacation.
- Hawaii was beautiful! Every time I had coffee on the balcony, swam in the ocean, or visited a new place, I found myself thinking of God's amazing creativity and love for His people.
- Time with my mom, sister and niece was precious, and I was reminded how blessed I am. We laughed, laughed and laughed and have memories to last a life time!
- I couldn't have taken this trip without the support and encouragement from my hubby. He sent me without any qualms or regrets and did a great job taking care of the kiddos all the while working his tail off at church. He's my hero and my love!
- And my kids seemed happy I came home. Of course, I was bearing gifts so maybe that was part of their excitement. I loved that they asked questions about my time away, and acted like they enjoyed hearing my stories.
- A few things to give God praise for while I was away...Lyss got her first pay check and loves the freedom it gives her to spend, spend, spend. And Kyle had a couple great days of baseball, going 5 for 7, with a triple, and 6 RBI's (for those of you who know baseball lingo) one day, and going 4 for 6, with 2 doubles, and 2 RBI's on another. He was on fire! Wish I could have been there!
Kyle's triple (June 2013)
God is soooo good to me! Words cannot express my gratitude enough.
Dear Precious Savior, my heart is full of praise and thanksgiving! You have spoiled me beyond anything I deserve. I saw you in the beauty and creativity of your creation, and felt your protection in our coming and goings. Thank you so much for your extravagant love!

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