Another school year is done. I'm now the proud mother of a sophomore in college and a junior in high school, I can hardly believe how fast time has flown. It feels like just yesterday Alyssa and Kyle were being dropped off at the nearby elementary school. I have sweet memories of those days long ago.
I remember monkey bars and blisters. Back then Kyle needed to use a step (and a stretch) to reach the "high" bar, but now can probably touch it standing flat footed. My boy has grown.
And then there was "pacers". Every Friday the kids would walk a quarter mile path around the school and earn a "pacer" each time they crossed the finish line. Even better, if a parent came and walked "pacers", the child's pacer number was doubled. If they got so many pacers in a month they'd get a reward. So, being the competitive, stay-at-home mom I was, I'd go to the school and walk with Kyle. As a team we were the bomb!
As I reflected on that time long ago, I reveled in the fact that Kyle took great delight in my help. He always reminded me to show up, and I'd do everything I could to make sure I'd be there. I always loved the moment when the bell would ring and I'd hand off my pacers into his little hand and he'd flash me a big grin. We "won"...together!
I pray that just like then, Kyle (and Alyssa) will always know that I'll be there if at all possible when help is needed. And more importantly, I pray that they know the One who always shows up to walk with them each and every day.
Lord, thank you for the precious memories I hold onto, and the growth and change I see in my children. I can now see eye to eye with them instead of having to kneel down to get on their level. It's so hard to believe how fast the time has gone sometimes. I pray that even as Alyssa and Kyle get older they know they can look to their parents for help. Life cannot be lived without someone to love and encourage them. I thank you, Lord, that you are the true Helper, and that you walk with us through all of life. I pray that they know that you lavish love on your children, and that you will never leave them or forsake them. May they sense You, sweet Father, walking with them today.

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