Lyssa has her first real, paying, job. She's done babysitting and a few photo shoots that have given her some spending money, but this will be the first job where she has to punch a time clock. I'm one happy mom, and I think she is one happy girl!
Learning how to budget her money, and make decisions on what to spend, how much to save, and if she will tithe, will all be a new adventure for her. We'll offer her suggestions, and have taught her the importance of all these things when she was younger, but this will all be new to her.
Money habits are sometimes hard lessons to learn. My prayer is that Alyssa will listen to wisdom, pray about her decisions, and act wisely when she gets her first paycheck. Cause ready or not, here it comes!
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle honor you with their work and wealth. May they heed your call to give some of their money back to you, and choose wisely on how to save and spend the remainder. Help Alyssa and Kyle to find themselves disciplined in their spending, generous in their giving, and smart in their saving, all which will bring glory to you.
And, precious Savior, be with Lyss as she begins her new job. Give her the strength she needs for long days and the wisdom to learn the job quickly and with ease. She has great opportunity to represent you to the people she meets and I pray she does that well. Lord, thank you for this job. I pray that Lyss finds great joy from working hard and earning her way in this world. Amen.

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