Today I need to pray for my kids work ethic and money habits. Whew. Or maybe it's more a prayer about contentment and mature choices.
"Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense." Proverbs 12:11
Wants, hopes, and desires are in full supply, but the desire to get down and dirty to make a way for some of these "needs" hasn't quite arrived. We all have to come to a point of figuring it out, and sometimes it comes when we have to learn to live on pennies until we do something about it, or need to stretch a dollar until payday.
I don't want to be my kids' "sugar mama" for the rest of their lives. I want them to take care of themselves and provide for their own needs like responsible adults, so that when I want to give out of love I can easily do so lavishly with joy.
Well, this is a fun way to pray on "labor day"!
Lord, sometimes I feel like I've done such a poor job parenting, bu I have faith in knowing you can take care of these big needs. Be Alyssa and Kyle's teacher today in the area of money, contentment and responsibility. Move them, dear Father, from being dependent and needing to be provided for, to being mature and capable adults who work hard to take care of their needs and wants. Working hard will bring them confidence, power, and a maturity that will make them successful adults. At the same time, tame Alyssa and Kyle's insatiable need to have more, be pampered, and fulfill the appetites that rage within them. Living within their means is a hard lesson, but if learned now, it will serve them well in the years to come. You provide your children with blessings along the way when we are faithful to live in obedience. Give Alyssa and Kyle eyes to see your gifts!

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