because of
the wonderful way
you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous!
Of this I have no doubt." Psalm 139:14
I had some special time with my friend this weekend.
We dangled our feet into the lake.
We splashed one fact, she started it!
And giggled.
We tossed and skipped rocks.
Smiles galore.
I love my friend because she always has a smile,
always gives me hugs,
and calls me her "buddy".
What joy she brings to life!
My friend is fearfully and wonderfully made and I give God thanks for her preciousness. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle look beyond differences and disabilities and find the blessing of every person they encounter. May they be like my friend in always finding joy in everyday life.
Thanks, precious friend, for the time we had at the lake!
Lord, you are an amazing Creator, making each of your children so unique and wonderful. Teach Alyssa and Kyle to find the wonder and delight of the people that come into their lives. It may just be a small interaction in their day, or it could be an individual they work with, go to church with, or live next door to, and I pray that they show your love and kindness in word and deed. There is great joy to be found in the preciousness of these relationships. Thank you, dear Jesus, for my dear friend and the fun we had together. May my children know that kind of joy!

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