Alyssa and friend Luke (2004)
How wonderful it is that nobody
need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world.
~Anne Frank
Helping Hands (2004)
After raking leaves, we visited with Helen, 90+ years old.
Lord, your very nature is that of a servant, and our attitudes should be the same. It doesn't always come naturally to us to make ourselves nothing, or to give to others sacrificially. It's easy to worry about what's in it for me, and to take care of myself. I see it so evidently in our children at times, and I pray, dear Jesus, that they become people who love to help others, give generously, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others or you. Give Alyssa and Kyle eyes to see the needs of others, and how they can help. Prod their hearts to encourage the lonely, give to the needy, and feed the hungry. May you be reflected in their actions and attitudes, and draw others closer to you. You are a servant, Lord, may we be one too.

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