Today’s verse: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Alyssa has a beautiful eye when it comes to photography. She has a gift to capture nature in unique and creative ways, that pulls out its natural beauty. I love looking at the world through her eyes. Above is a picture taken during a hailstorm, and if you look closely you can actually see the white specks of hail.
As believers we know that in the New Testament God offered a rainbow to His people, as a reminder that God would never again flood the earth. So, when I saw Alyssa’s photo it reminded me of a profound truth that I pray my kids will always remember. It reminds me that no matter how big the storms of our life are, or how hard we are pelted by life’s “hail”, God is bigger, and He will always be the Hope we can look to and lean on.
He is our Hope when we feel lost.
He is our Hope when the skies are dark and we feel tossed.
He is our Hope when the world around us is knocking us down.
His our Hope when things tend to make us frown.
He is our Hope when things seem too hard.
He is our Hope forever and always.
God of Hope, please fill my children with all joy and peace as they trust in you, so that they overflow with hope by the power of your Holy Spirit. Lord, if darkness ever threatens to overtake their spirits, I pray that You show yourself to be their Hope. You promise hope for every believer. You promise hope for their future. You even promise hope for their children. I pray that the hope that comes from you always lives and breathes in the depths of who they are. May their troubles never be too great to loose the hope you give. Lord, I love you and thank you for the hope you give, and that you give it to my children in great abundance. May we live differently because of your sweet presence in our lives.
1 comment:
Wow that is a great photo Alyssa took! And your words come at a good time Tresa :) Thanks for starting this blog :) I will continue to read it as long as you post...
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