Today’s Verse: “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” Titus 2:12-14
The control I have over the choices my kids make is becoming smaller and smaller. Daily they are getting closer to the age where, as their mom, I will have no control of the choices they make. It’s been gradually moving that direction since the day they were born. As they were infants their choices included when to cry, and when to poop. Sort of.
Today, their choices are bigger, more numerous, and could have bigger consequences on their lives. As a mom, I’m finding that the role of directing, guiding, and laying down the “law” is getting harder and harder. Don’t get me wrong, there are still some things that I say “no” to, but the goal and art of parenting is to teach our kids to become independent and make wise decisions on their own. Knowing when those times of “freedom” come is a constant balancing act.
My prayer is that God’s Spirit will be so present in their lives, that when they are choosing books to read, music to listen to, and movies to watch, that they will sense when to say “no” to the things that are not of God. And when they are pressured to join in drinking, smoking, drugs, stealing, etc, they will find God’s strength to make the wise and better choices.
Daily the choices are getting harder.
Father, you love my kids more than I do, and you long for them to make the right choices, more than I do. Fill them with your Spirit and be their guide. When faced with decisions that lead them further from You, prod them to go the other direction. Please protect them from the enemy enticing them to participate in things that lead to ungodly lives. May they always stand firm in their faith, and seek You in all that they do. May they choose You, and choose to live for You. Protect them, Lord Jesus, I pray!
God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Today’s Verse: “But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Corinthians 12:24-26
Right now, both kids are involved in a sport. Wow, it keeps us hopping!
Alyssa is playing her second year of volleyball and is doing great. Her team has only won one game, but they keep showing great improvement every game, and always have a smile whether they win or loose. I love watching my girl serve that ball over the net with ease, and with power, and her height gives her an advantage when she comes to the net for a spike. She’s awesome! I think she takes after her mom.

Kyle plays baseball…and has played lots of baseball over the years. We were figuring he has played 70+ games this year alone. Kyle can often be found at short-stop, but also pitches, and can play at 2nd base, and any of the outfield positions. He’s very versatile, and just loves that he can get out there and throw the ball. He’s awesome too! Could it be that both kids take after there mom? (ha!)
What I like about these sports my kids play, is that they take teamwork. What great lessons they are learning for life when they are out on the court, or field. The game can’t be won on just their merit, but takes everyone on their team. For Alyssa to get a really good spike, she needs the gal next to her to give her a good set.
My prayer is that these lessons on teamwork help them in their life at school, at home with us, and even as they grow up, get married, and have kids of their own. Teamwork is an essential ingredient to life. If they ever let their pride stand in the way, they loose out on the wisdom, encouragement, and joy another person can add to their life. God made us to be interdependent and need one another in this life.
May their teamwork skills in volleyball and baseball be a great reminder of God’s beautiful design for our lives, and may they thrive in the positions God places them, striving to be the best that they can be!
Precious Lord, thank you for the abilities you have given my kids, and the joy they find being a part of a team. Thank you for their coaches over the years, and for the lessons that they have learned about winning and loosing. And thank you for the lessons on teamwork. May they realize that they cannot live this life all by themselves. Lord, place on their teams of life, people who will draw them closer to you, and not further, and people who will value their strengths, and help them work through the areas where they are weak. Help my kids to learn to work well with others…to work through conflict, to brainstorm great ideas, and to encourage those standing on their team. Above all, may they always continue to play on Your team, and play the positions you have designed just for them! What a great coach You are!
Right now, both kids are involved in a sport. Wow, it keeps us hopping!
Kyle plays baseball…and has played lots of baseball over the years. We were figuring he has played 70+ games this year alone. Kyle can often be found at short-stop, but also pitches, and can play at 2nd base, and any of the outfield positions. He’s very versatile, and just loves that he can get out there and throw the ball. He’s awesome too! Could it be that both kids take after there mom? (ha!)
What I like about these sports my kids play, is that they take teamwork. What great lessons they are learning for life when they are out on the court, or field. The game can’t be won on just their merit, but takes everyone on their team. For Alyssa to get a really good spike, she needs the gal next to her to give her a good set.
My prayer is that these lessons on teamwork help them in their life at school, at home with us, and even as they grow up, get married, and have kids of their own. Teamwork is an essential ingredient to life. If they ever let their pride stand in the way, they loose out on the wisdom, encouragement, and joy another person can add to their life. God made us to be interdependent and need one another in this life.
May their teamwork skills in volleyball and baseball be a great reminder of God’s beautiful design for our lives, and may they thrive in the positions God places them, striving to be the best that they can be!
Precious Lord, thank you for the abilities you have given my kids, and the joy they find being a part of a team. Thank you for their coaches over the years, and for the lessons that they have learned about winning and loosing. And thank you for the lessons on teamwork. May they realize that they cannot live this life all by themselves. Lord, place on their teams of life, people who will draw them closer to you, and not further, and people who will value their strengths, and help them work through the areas where they are weak. Help my kids to learn to work well with others…to work through conflict, to brainstorm great ideas, and to encourage those standing on their team. Above all, may they always continue to play on Your team, and play the positions you have designed just for them! What a great coach You are!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Praying for a "10"!
Today’s Verse: “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
Mondays. Wasn’t it Garfield that always said, “I hate Mondays”?
Mondays are the day we say good-bye to our precious weekend, and head into the week of work and SCHOOL! I’m sure that every Sunday night, one of my kids says something to the effect of hating the idea of getting up in the morning and heading back to school. Early mornings, “boring” classes, and tons of homework each add to their dislike of Mondays.
I love that I found this picture, and it's even better that I found it after I wrote this post. It's Alyssa's first day of 7th grade. I had no recollection of her wearing this shirt, or even owning it...but how perfect is it?!
School is huge chunk of our kids day, and week, and has a tremendous impact on their love for learning. It broke my heart that school was such a negative thing in my daughter’s life. So, I began praying.
If you were to ask Alyssa about school today, she wouldn’t have this outpouring of excitement for school and what she is learning, but she has a much more positive attitude than she used to have. God answered my prayers. I’ll keep praying that she finds joy in her learning, life-changing relationships with her teachers, friends who encourage her, and even direction as to where God wants her in the future.
I pray that both of my kids fall in love with learning, and that Mondays aren’t so bad after all.
Dear Father, I pray that my kids LOVE this day! I know, Lord, that you love your children and desire that they love the life you have given them. School is a huge part of their life right now, Lord, and I pray that they find joy in this place and time. I pray that learning comes alive to them, and they find excitement and joy in the things they are learning. I pray that they have a sense of You in their learning, and that they can see your hand in history, your part in creation, and your plan for their life as they find things that they are passionate about and will lead them to future careers. May they grow in wisdom as they study, and choose to work hard and think deep. Learning is a gift from you, Lord.
Mondays. Wasn’t it Garfield that always said, “I hate Mondays”?
Mondays are the day we say good-bye to our precious weekend, and head into the week of work and SCHOOL! I’m sure that every Sunday night, one of my kids says something to the effect of hating the idea of getting up in the morning and heading back to school. Early mornings, “boring” classes, and tons of homework each add to their dislike of Mondays.
I love that I found this picture, and it's even better that I found it after I wrote this post. It's Alyssa's first day of 7th grade. I had no recollection of her wearing this shirt, or even owning it...but how perfect is it?!
Alyssa used to tell me that every school day was a BAD day. Due to the fact that she was one who would give me little information about her day, I would ask her “How was your day on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being a great day?” And the answer would always land somewhere between a 4 and a 7. She would always come home with awesome grades, but school held little excitement for her and was definitely never considered a “good day”.
School is huge chunk of our kids day, and week, and has a tremendous impact on their love for learning. It broke my heart that school was such a negative thing in my daughter’s life. So, I began praying.
If you were to ask Alyssa about school today, she wouldn’t have this outpouring of excitement for school and what she is learning, but she has a much more positive attitude than she used to have. God answered my prayers. I’ll keep praying that she finds joy in her learning, life-changing relationships with her teachers, friends who encourage her, and even direction as to where God wants her in the future.
I pray that both of my kids fall in love with learning, and that Mondays aren’t so bad after all.
Dear Father, I pray that my kids LOVE this day! I know, Lord, that you love your children and desire that they love the life you have given them. School is a huge part of their life right now, Lord, and I pray that they find joy in this place and time. I pray that learning comes alive to them, and they find excitement and joy in the things they are learning. I pray that they have a sense of You in their learning, and that they can see your hand in history, your part in creation, and your plan for their life as they find things that they are passionate about and will lead them to future careers. May they grow in wisdom as they study, and choose to work hard and think deep. Learning is a gift from you, Lord.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
God of Hope

Today’s verse: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Alyssa has a beautiful eye when it comes to photography. She has a gift to capture nature in unique and creative ways, that pulls out its natural beauty. I love looking at the world through her eyes. Above is a picture taken during a hailstorm, and if you look closely you can actually see the white specks of hail.
As believers we know that in the New Testament God offered a rainbow to His people, as a reminder that God would never again flood the earth. So, when I saw Alyssa’s photo it reminded me of a profound truth that I pray my kids will always remember. It reminds me that no matter how big the storms of our life are, or how hard we are pelted by life’s “hail”, God is bigger, and He will always be the Hope we can look to and lean on.
He is our Hope when we feel lost.
He is our Hope when the skies are dark and we feel tossed.
He is our Hope when the world around us is knocking us down.
His our Hope when things tend to make us frown.
He is our Hope when things seem too hard.
He is our Hope forever and always.
God of Hope, please fill my children with all joy and peace as they trust in you, so that they overflow with hope by the power of your Holy Spirit. Lord, if darkness ever threatens to overtake their spirits, I pray that You show yourself to be their Hope. You promise hope for every believer. You promise hope for their future. You even promise hope for their children. I pray that the hope that comes from you always lives and breathes in the depths of who they are. May their troubles never be too great to loose the hope you give. Lord, I love you and thank you for the hope you give, and that you give it to my children in great abundance. May we live differently because of your sweet presence in our lives.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sweet Salvation
Today’s Verse: “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior” Titus 3:4-6
Yesterday I went to a funeral. It was a funeral of a man and wife who died a couple of weeks ago on a motorcycle ride. In the blink of an eye they left behind their daughter, 2 grandchildren, and many other family members and friends. Though this tragedy breaks your heart as you watch this family grieve, there was much celebration at their funeral because they went home to be with their Lord. It reminded me again, not that it is ever far from my mind, that my biggest prayer is that my kids accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and gain the ticket they need for eternal life.
I’m committing to making Saturdays the day I will pray for their continued walk with the Lord.
I remember the first time that both of my kids prayed the salvation prayer. It was about 9 years ago, as I was preparing dinner so we could head out the door for another night of VBS (Lyss would have been 6, and Kyle 4). What a moment that was for me, as their mom, to be able to witness. Sorry Dad that you missed the big event. I’m thankful that God heard their prayer and was faithful to enter their hearts.
But I pray that the decision they made that day be a forever commitment, and may my kids always follow Him with their lives. I pray it’s a faith that becomes their own, and not just because their parents believe it. I pray that my children live their faith “out loud” because their love for God burns within their souls and they can’t help but serve Him.
Salvation, what a precious gift!
Lord, you so loved my precious children, Alyssa and Kyle, that you gave your one and only Son for them, so that if they believe in You, they will not perish but have everlasting life. (Jn. 3:16) What a beautiful gift Lord...a gift that I pray they always believe in, and live out in their lives. If doubts arise in their minds and hearts, I pray Lord that you continue seeking them out, and do so in a way that they can sense you pursuing them and never leaving them. May their hearts remain steadfast in you, and they stand firm in their faith all the days of their lives. I lay my children at your feet, and entrust them to your care today.
Yesterday I went to a funeral. It was a funeral of a man and wife who died a couple of weeks ago on a motorcycle ride. In the blink of an eye they left behind their daughter, 2 grandchildren, and many other family members and friends. Though this tragedy breaks your heart as you watch this family grieve, there was much celebration at their funeral because they went home to be with their Lord. It reminded me again, not that it is ever far from my mind, that my biggest prayer is that my kids accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and gain the ticket they need for eternal life.
I’m committing to making Saturdays the day I will pray for their continued walk with the Lord.
I remember the first time that both of my kids prayed the salvation prayer. It was about 9 years ago, as I was preparing dinner so we could head out the door for another night of VBS (Lyss would have been 6, and Kyle 4). What a moment that was for me, as their mom, to be able to witness. Sorry Dad that you missed the big event. I’m thankful that God heard their prayer and was faithful to enter their hearts.
But I pray that the decision they made that day be a forever commitment, and may my kids always follow Him with their lives. I pray it’s a faith that becomes their own, and not just because their parents believe it. I pray that my children live their faith “out loud” because their love for God burns within their souls and they can’t help but serve Him.
Salvation, what a precious gift!
Lord, you so loved my precious children, Alyssa and Kyle, that you gave your one and only Son for them, so that if they believe in You, they will not perish but have everlasting life. (Jn. 3:16) What a beautiful gift Lord...a gift that I pray they always believe in, and live out in their lives. If doubts arise in their minds and hearts, I pray Lord that you continue seeking them out, and do so in a way that they can sense you pursuing them and never leaving them. May their hearts remain steadfast in you, and they stand firm in their faith all the days of their lives. I lay my children at your feet, and entrust them to your care today.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Laughing Out Loud!
Today’s Verse: “Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.” Psalm 119:35 (NLT)
I love hearing my kids laugh. I love it especially if the two of them are laughing together. There is no sweeter sound.
They laugh the most when they are watching “Nacho Libre” with their Dad.
They crack-up every time they see “America’s Funniest Videos” on television.
They chuckle when playing “Apples to Apples”.
They giggle uncontrollably when Grammy is nearby.
And believe it or not, we ALL laugh when we watch this You Tube video…
I love hearing my kids laugh….but there is something I will love even more.
I will love it if they find an everlasting joy that comes from having Christ in their life. My prayer is that as they continue to grow, and live their lives for Him, their happiness won’t be based on something external, but something eternal. May Jesus be their everlasting joy!
Lord, you are the joy of my life, and the prayer of my heart is that you become the joy of my children’s lives. I pray that happiness marks their lives, and that they find many things that bring them laughter on a daily basis. Bring friends in their lives who make them smile. Provide moments of joy and laughter around the dinner table. May they never take life too seriously, and giggle even at the little things. Above all, with you living in their lives, may they have joy in their inner beings…deep inside who they are. May my children’s hearts shine You, and may their smiles reflect the joy that only comes from You, their God and Savior.
I hope that I laugh today too!
I love hearing my kids laugh. I love it especially if the two of them are laughing together. There is no sweeter sound.
They laugh the most when they are watching “Nacho Libre” with their Dad.
They crack-up every time they see “America’s Funniest Videos” on television.
They chuckle when playing “Apples to Apples”.
They giggle uncontrollably when Grammy is nearby.
And believe it or not, we ALL laugh when we watch this You Tube video…
I love hearing my kids laugh….but there is something I will love even more.
I will love it if they find an everlasting joy that comes from having Christ in their life. My prayer is that as they continue to grow, and live their lives for Him, their happiness won’t be based on something external, but something eternal. May Jesus be their everlasting joy!
Lord, you are the joy of my life, and the prayer of my heart is that you become the joy of my children’s lives. I pray that happiness marks their lives, and that they find many things that bring them laughter on a daily basis. Bring friends in their lives who make them smile. Provide moments of joy and laughter around the dinner table. May they never take life too seriously, and giggle even at the little things. Above all, with you living in their lives, may they have joy in their inner beings…deep inside who they are. May my children’s hearts shine You, and may their smiles reflect the joy that only comes from You, their God and Savior.
I hope that I laugh today too!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Freedom from Fear
Today’s Verse: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
I was a shy little girl, and in reality that shy little girl still lives in me. God, however, has done a work in me and has stretched me out of my “comfort zone”. I’ve learned to trust Him, and depend on this “spirit of power” that comes from Him.
I pray for that spirit of power in my children’s lives. They both started out shy like their mother. Lyssa’s kindergarten teacher promised me that she would get Lyss to talk to her within the first month of school, but on the last day of school, Mrs. Garner looked at me and said, “Well, I never got her to talk to me, but she’s a very good student.” Oh my. Saying “hi” to adults at church was ever so painful. And I began praying that that God would remove her “spirit of timidity” and replace it with His spirit of power!
I have seen Lyssa stretch herself and is growing into a confident young lady. God is good! Giving speeches at school, feeling free to ask questions and share concerns with her teachers, even going out for the student council knowing she’d have to give a speech for her election. God is instilling in her His power! I love that.
I pray that both my kids continue to grow in their confidence to be who God made them. To stand in front of people and speak their convictions. To face conflict, without being walked on, and without fear. I pray that as they seek God’s direction for the future of their lives, they will follow without trepidation, but go boldly wherever God sends them. And when fear does show its face, may they always look to the One who brings peace, strength, and power.
Dear Precious Father, you are the amazing Creator, the mighty Healer, and you’re in the business of changed lives. Thank you for creating my children in beautiful ways. Thank you for who they are and what they are becoming. Thank you for being a God who doesn’t want his people to live in fear, but wants them to live with power, confident in his love, and at peace in all the circumstances of life. I pray that where my kids have a spirit of fear or timidity, that you replace it with your spirit of power, and of confidence, and a belief that you’ve created them for great things. Where they feel weak, may they look to you for strength. Where there is fear, may they sense your peace. Where they doubt, may the fix their eyes on You and find the answers they need. Lord, fill my kids with You! Mark their lives by your presence! May they always live in your spirit of power!
I was a shy little girl, and in reality that shy little girl still lives in me. God, however, has done a work in me and has stretched me out of my “comfort zone”. I’ve learned to trust Him, and depend on this “spirit of power” that comes from Him.
I pray for that spirit of power in my children’s lives. They both started out shy like their mother. Lyssa’s kindergarten teacher promised me that she would get Lyss to talk to her within the first month of school, but on the last day of school, Mrs. Garner looked at me and said, “Well, I never got her to talk to me, but she’s a very good student.” Oh my. Saying “hi” to adults at church was ever so painful. And I began praying that that God would remove her “spirit of timidity” and replace it with His spirit of power!
I have seen Lyssa stretch herself and is growing into a confident young lady. God is good! Giving speeches at school, feeling free to ask questions and share concerns with her teachers, even going out for the student council knowing she’d have to give a speech for her election. God is instilling in her His power! I love that.
I pray that both my kids continue to grow in their confidence to be who God made them. To stand in front of people and speak their convictions. To face conflict, without being walked on, and without fear. I pray that as they seek God’s direction for the future of their lives, they will follow without trepidation, but go boldly wherever God sends them. And when fear does show its face, may they always look to the One who brings peace, strength, and power.
Dear Precious Father, you are the amazing Creator, the mighty Healer, and you’re in the business of changed lives. Thank you for creating my children in beautiful ways. Thank you for who they are and what they are becoming. Thank you for being a God who doesn’t want his people to live in fear, but wants them to live with power, confident in his love, and at peace in all the circumstances of life. I pray that where my kids have a spirit of fear or timidity, that you replace it with your spirit of power, and of confidence, and a belief that you’ve created them for great things. Where they feel weak, may they look to you for strength. Where there is fear, may they sense your peace. Where they doubt, may the fix their eyes on You and find the answers they need. Lord, fill my kids with You! Mark their lives by your presence! May they always live in your spirit of power!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Love Like an Ocean
Today’s Verse: “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have the power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God..” Ephesians 3:17-19
I love the ocean. I love the sound of the waves, the sand in my feet, and the smell that reminds me that I’m on God’s turf. I love the beauty I find there…the shells, the beached wood, starfish, and even the seaweed.
We have some treasured family moments at the ocean. Times that I went there as a kid, and then the moments when I took my own children. Every memory priceless.
Spring break of 2007 was one of my favorites. My family of four was staying at a little cabin that is a part of Twin Rocks Friends Camp that week. It’s almost right on the beach! I was needing to spend some time studying for a retreat I was going to be speaking at, so my husband was ushering the kids out the door for a morning walk on the beach, when I said, “Look for ways God is showing you He loves you this morning.” An hour passed, when my kids came running into the cabin, with pure excitement that God DID remind them of His love. And in their hands was a beautiful, unbroken sand dollar …and it was purple! My favorite color. “Mom, God loves you!” How often do you find an unbroken shell on the Oregon Coast?…much less a purple one! God’s love was evident in a precious way.
Later that evening we drove down the coastline in search of clam chowder, and found ourselves in the little town of Manzanita. We did find some of the best clam chowder in the world, but we also found something a million times better. We wanted to pass a little more time on the beach, and use the marshmallow guns the kids had purchased that day, so we pulled off, got out of the van, and began running down the beach, pelting one another with little white marshmallows. The more we began to pay attention, however, we realized that there were sand dollars everywhere! Unbroken ones. We picked up over 25 beautiful sand dollars, all the while exclaiming “God loves us!” What a beautiful lesson we all learned that day.
God loves us!
As I peer at the ocean I think of the verse in Ephesians, and the prayer that I have for my kids. It’s hard to fathom the width, the depth, and length of the ocean, but by standing on the beach looking out at the horizon, I can get a glimpse of its immensity. I pray that as my kids grow, and they have those close encounters with God (like with the sand dollars), they will begin to “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Lord, you love with an everlasting love, and you love unconditionally. You love my kids more than I do as their mom. You will love my kids deeper than I can ever imagine. You have loved them before they were ever a thought in my mind. I pray, Lord, that they will experience the love you have for them in ways that will cause them to rest in that love, believe in that love, and live in that love. May they always know and believe that they are loved. Especially when they go through days where they question what they were made for, or if their friends will stick by them, or if their parents love them. May they begin to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is Your love for them!
I love the ocean. I love the sound of the waves, the sand in my feet, and the smell that reminds me that I’m on God’s turf. I love the beauty I find there…the shells, the beached wood, starfish, and even the seaweed.
We have some treasured family moments at the ocean. Times that I went there as a kid, and then the moments when I took my own children. Every memory priceless.
Spring break of 2007 was one of my favorites. My family of four was staying at a little cabin that is a part of Twin Rocks Friends Camp that week. It’s almost right on the beach! I was needing to spend some time studying for a retreat I was going to be speaking at, so my husband was ushering the kids out the door for a morning walk on the beach, when I said, “Look for ways God is showing you He loves you this morning.” An hour passed, when my kids came running into the cabin, with pure excitement that God DID remind them of His love. And in their hands was a beautiful, unbroken sand dollar …and it was purple! My favorite color. “Mom, God loves you!” How often do you find an unbroken shell on the Oregon Coast?…much less a purple one! God’s love was evident in a precious way.
Later that evening we drove down the coastline in search of clam chowder, and found ourselves in the little town of Manzanita. We did find some of the best clam chowder in the world, but we also found something a million times better. We wanted to pass a little more time on the beach, and use the marshmallow guns the kids had purchased that day, so we pulled off, got out of the van, and began running down the beach, pelting one another with little white marshmallows. The more we began to pay attention, however, we realized that there were sand dollars everywhere! Unbroken ones. We picked up over 25 beautiful sand dollars, all the while exclaiming “God loves us!” What a beautiful lesson we all learned that day.
God loves us!
As I peer at the ocean I think of the verse in Ephesians, and the prayer that I have for my kids. It’s hard to fathom the width, the depth, and length of the ocean, but by standing on the beach looking out at the horizon, I can get a glimpse of its immensity. I pray that as my kids grow, and they have those close encounters with God (like with the sand dollars), they will begin to “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Running with Perseverance
Today’s Verse: “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1
My kids have both quit asking me for help on their math homework. Had they asked me 25 years ago, I would have still remembered what I learned in Algebra, but instead my brain has been made to mush. If they were to ask me the simple things, like 8 x 8, I could still do that, but boy they are way beyond me these days. Kyle, in one of my non-helpful moments, when he was in the 5th grade said “I thought you graduated from high school, Mom.” Great.
I am amazed watching my kids do their homework…the problems they are solving, the books they are reading, and the questions they are answering are at times intense. My kids are not only smart, but they have a lot that they are learning and figuring out. Their mom is the type of person that if the problem is too hard to solve, or a project takes to much work, she gives up too easily…or just takes a break, or two, or three. I pray that my kids are different and will be strong in the perseverance department. May they always work hard until they work through their problems…in homework or in life. And may they always strive to do their best.
Perseverance is not for wimps. You go, kids!
Precious Father, thank you for the children you have given me who are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Their minds are like sponges, and daily they are learning more about your creation, and using the wisdom they are gaining to solve problems, manage life, and live healthy and happy lives. I pray, Lord, that you help them to run this life with perseverance. May they find your strength when they want to give up because something is just too hard. I pray that they persevere in their relationships with others, and that they will always choose to work things out and mend conflicts. I pray that they choose strong careers, following the “race you have marked out” for them, and stay the course even when things get tough. Lord, put your spirit in them that they may sense your strength, believe in your goal, listen and seek your wisdom, and live out their lives with a passion that reflects You.
And P.S. Lord, help their Mom to run the parenting race with perseverance too!
My kids have both quit asking me for help on their math homework. Had they asked me 25 years ago, I would have still remembered what I learned in Algebra, but instead my brain has been made to mush. If they were to ask me the simple things, like 8 x 8, I could still do that, but boy they are way beyond me these days. Kyle, in one of my non-helpful moments, when he was in the 5th grade said “I thought you graduated from high school, Mom.” Great.
I am amazed watching my kids do their homework…the problems they are solving, the books they are reading, and the questions they are answering are at times intense. My kids are not only smart, but they have a lot that they are learning and figuring out. Their mom is the type of person that if the problem is too hard to solve, or a project takes to much work, she gives up too easily…or just takes a break, or two, or three. I pray that my kids are different and will be strong in the perseverance department. May they always work hard until they work through their problems…in homework or in life. And may they always strive to do their best.
Perseverance is not for wimps. You go, kids!
Precious Father, thank you for the children you have given me who are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Their minds are like sponges, and daily they are learning more about your creation, and using the wisdom they are gaining to solve problems, manage life, and live healthy and happy lives. I pray, Lord, that you help them to run this life with perseverance. May they find your strength when they want to give up because something is just too hard. I pray that they persevere in their relationships with others, and that they will always choose to work things out and mend conflicts. I pray that they choose strong careers, following the “race you have marked out” for them, and stay the course even when things get tough. Lord, put your spirit in them that they may sense your strength, believe in your goal, listen and seek your wisdom, and live out their lives with a passion that reflects You.
And P.S. Lord, help their Mom to run the parenting race with perseverance too!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Manic Mondays
Today's verse: "Oh Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in times of distress." Isaiah 33:2
I don't know about you, but around our house, Mondays are crazy. Mostly it stems from a tiredness that enfolds us because our Sundays are so busy with church stuff. The kids have troubles getting out of bed in the morning (and their parents as well), all sorts of papers often need signed, and who knows where the backpacks were left on Friday afternoon. Chaos reigns for the brief hour before school. As a mom, I should be better prepared for it.
On Mondays, tiredness reigns.
On Mondays, the kids are trying to get into their routines.
On Mondays, we begin a new week.
Who ever started calling it Manic Mondays? Whoever did, nailed it on the head.
Lord, today I am praying for my kids strength to make it through this day. May it be one where they sense you holding them up when they are tired, encouraging them when they are discouraged, and giving them little blessings along the way that make them giggle. May today not be one filled with lost papers, forgotten assignments, and cranky teachers, but may it be one filled with your peace, your strength, and your joy! And may, I, as their parent, lean on you through this day, and find the blessings you have in store for me! You are the Lord, of this Monday!
I don't know about you, but around our house, Mondays are crazy. Mostly it stems from a tiredness that enfolds us because our Sundays are so busy with church stuff. The kids have troubles getting out of bed in the morning (and their parents as well), all sorts of papers often need signed, and who knows where the backpacks were left on Friday afternoon. Chaos reigns for the brief hour before school. As a mom, I should be better prepared for it.
On Mondays, tiredness reigns.
On Mondays, the kids are trying to get into their routines.
On Mondays, we begin a new week.
Who ever started calling it Manic Mondays? Whoever did, nailed it on the head.
Lord, today I am praying for my kids strength to make it through this day. May it be one where they sense you holding them up when they are tired, encouraging them when they are discouraged, and giving them little blessings along the way that make them giggle. May today not be one filled with lost papers, forgotten assignments, and cranky teachers, but may it be one filled with your peace, your strength, and your joy! And may, I, as their parent, lean on you through this day, and find the blessings you have in store for me! You are the Lord, of this Monday!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
God the Defender
Today's verse: "When they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them." Isaiah 19:20
This summer God reminded me that He is our Defender in a real way, and I was able to teach my son an amazing lesson about God. Kyle was on a baseball team this summer, with a new coach, and as the summer went on, and more and more games were played, I watched my son become discouraged by his lack of playing time. He would walk away from a game with his shoulders slumped, and his mood saddened, not understanding why his coach wasn't using him to the best of his potential. Each game he would arrive with hope, and leave with disappointment.
One day, God gave me a word, as I pleaded with Him to intervene. He said to me, "I am Kyle's defender." Even a song started flowing through my mind...
I began praying through Isaiah 19:20, and entrusting that God would surely be Kyle's defender in this situation. I even shared with Kyle the word God gave me. And, guess what! He was!!! The next game, Kyle played the entire game, and at his usual position. God was faithful! The "problem" still shows its head periodically, but each time I am reminded that God will be Kyle's defender.
God will be my kids protector and healer, and He will always champion for their souls. He can do the job so much better than I!
Lord, I come to you and pray that you will show yourself to be my kids "defender". Fight for them, against the evil one who wants to draw them away from You, and keep them living their lives for You. Protect them when they are put in situations where they have to choose right from wrong. Keep their mind steadfast in You and help them to always stand firm in their faith. May you, Lord, always be their Savior.
This summer God reminded me that He is our Defender in a real way, and I was able to teach my son an amazing lesson about God. Kyle was on a baseball team this summer, with a new coach, and as the summer went on, and more and more games were played, I watched my son become discouraged by his lack of playing time. He would walk away from a game with his shoulders slumped, and his mood saddened, not understanding why his coach wasn't using him to the best of his potential. Each game he would arrive with hope, and leave with disappointment.
One day, God gave me a word, as I pleaded with Him to intervene. He said to me, "I am Kyle's defender." Even a song started flowing through my mind...
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord.
We will wait upon the Lord.
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliver
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary.
We will wait upon the Lord.
We will wait upon the Lord.
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliver
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary.
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need.
You lift us up on wings like eagles.
("Everlasting God" by Chris Tomlin)
You comfort those in need.
You lift us up on wings like eagles.
("Everlasting God" by Chris Tomlin)
I began praying through Isaiah 19:20, and entrusting that God would surely be Kyle's defender in this situation. I even shared with Kyle the word God gave me. And, guess what! He was!!! The next game, Kyle played the entire game, and at his usual position. God was faithful! The "problem" still shows its head periodically, but each time I am reminded that God will be Kyle's defender.
God will be my kids protector and healer, and He will always champion for their souls. He can do the job so much better than I!
Lord, I come to you and pray that you will show yourself to be my kids "defender". Fight for them, against the evil one who wants to draw them away from You, and keep them living their lives for You. Protect them when they are put in situations where they have to choose right from wrong. Keep their mind steadfast in You and help them to always stand firm in their faith. May you, Lord, always be their Savior.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Beginning of a Journey
"We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."
--Oswald Chambers
God is calling me to step up my prayer life. Especially in regards to my children. In just a few weeks my house will hold two, yes count them, two teenagers. And the more they experience of life, the more I can sense my worry shifting into a higher gear. How, as a parent, can I combat everything they are being barraged with on a daily basis? How can I entrust that they will make right, safe, and godly choices?
God recently gave me the greatest parenting tip of all time...pray!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." --Philippians 4:6
I want to use this blog (something I've never done before) to encourage myself, and maybe others, to be specific in their prayers for the kids, and be diligent about praying for them on a daily basis. I want to see changes my kids lives, one prayer at a time, and hope that they follow Jesus with all that they are, and for all the days of their life!
I'm on my knees! Will you join me?
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