Kyle & Lyss (2000)
Every mom wants to see her children be successful. Sometimes I ponder what Alyssa and Kyle will be like 10 or 20 years from now. I wonder what they will be doing with their lives, what careers they will choose, or what their families will look like.
Kyle talks more about success, than Alyssa does. Maybe it's a man thing. He's dreamed of making it big in baseball and what he'll do with the money he makes. When he thinks of a career, he's running down the line of who he deems "rich". I'm glad he has ambition, but I hope that as he dreams big, he'll seek the Lord in his decisions. Following Him, no matter the cost, will bring their greatest reward I'm sure!
I don't think of success being marked by how much money our children make, or if they live in big homes, and have lots of "toys". In my eyes, I will see Alyssa and Kyle as successful if they are happy and following Jesus with all their heart.
Lord, I know that you have wonderful plans for our children's lives. Their futures hold great success, pleasure, and treasures, as they decide to seek after you. Your Word promises that when they seek you, they will find you, and when they ask, you will answer. I pray, Father, that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to look to you for guidance, wisdom, help in their decisions, and follow you to the ends of their earth. Seeking after you sometimes takes work, and time, but you will never fail to show them the way you have planned for them. Open their eyes that they see you clearly, and their hearts so that they are willing and ready to go wherever you lead. You want to give Alyssa and Kyle the desires of their hearts, I know that full well, but I pray their hearts will always desire to seek after you.

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