Kyle, 3 years old
My son is growing up! *sniff-sniff*
Kyle had a job interview this week. I don't know how he'll manage a job and baseball, but I'm proud of him for giving it a try. He seemed to go into the interview without even a hint of nervousness (though he could have been hiding it from his mom). Why should he be nervous, man?! He's one great kid!
Kyle, 17 years old
But what I also know is this: Kyle has a confidence and determination in who God has made him to be. He's got big things ahead as he continues to stand in God's strength and trust that He has great plans for his life.
Kyle is going to be successful when he leaves his future in God's hands. Even if he gets this summer job or not.
Lord, all that you've created is good, and that even includes each of your children. Thank you for fearfully and wonderfully making each of our children, giving them each such beautiful gifts and talents. In those gifts, I see an amazing confidence and strength. Continue to build in Alyssa and Kyle a determination that they can do anything as long as you're beside them, providing all the strength, wisdom, and peace that they need to complete their job, move forward, and excel. Help them to always look past their fears and doubts, and depend on you to lead, guide, and provide all that they may be lacking, in order to stand firm in their callings. Never let fear and anxiety overtake them. May their confidence always come from you, and in the knowledge that they are your child and you are with them, loving them no matter the outcome. I know you have great things planned for their lives, and those plans aren't for harm, but they are for good. Oh, dear Jesus, I can't wait to see those plans unfold in their lives. May their confidence come from knowing and following you!