Kyle has spent the entire weekend hanging out with some big-time baseball coaches. Mostly its been a time for training and coaching, but I think there's a little scouting going on as well. As a junior, Kyle has no idea where he wants to go to school after he graduates, but believe it or not it's time to start thinking about it, and baseball seems to help get him serious about making plans. Maybe Kyle won't make the "big leagues", but his mom sees potential for him to play for a college. Of course, he says I'm a little bias.
My prayer is that God will open doors (and close them as well) as He sees fit, and that Kyle will be sensitive to His leading and guiding. I can't wait to see what God has planned for Kyle's future and how He will determine each of his steps.
Lord, determine Kyle's steps as he looks towards his future. Open and close doors in such a way that we can confidently say "this is the way" and walk in it. We trust you and lean not on our own understanding, but acknowledge you as the giver and maker of life and our future. Make Kyle's path's straight, dear Jesus, and lead him in the ways he should go. Thank you for a future filled with hope, purpose, and joy.

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