It's HOT here, man! Probably much like it is everywhere. Yesterday, in the heat of the day, I was sitting out at the ball field watching my boy do his stuff. Despite the 100 degree sauna outside, his team pulled out a win. And his mom survived.
Is it wrong to feel proud of my son's humility?
Even when Kyle does well, he doesn't like us talking about it. He doesn't brag. He doesn't gloat. He doesn't talk highly of himself. I like that.
I pray that he always walks humbly...
and that I can keep from speaking too prideful as well!
Lord, keep Alyssa and Kyle from thinking better of themselves than they really are. I pray that they always are honest in their evaluation and keep themselves from an odious pride. Even in their successes may they always give you the credit and honor. You are the giver of all good gifts, and you ultimately are the one who deserves our boasting. Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will always reflect you in their humbleness.

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