Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!"  Revelation 19:7

 The view on our "date" Sunday night!

I have to say that though Hawaii had some beautiful sunsets, the show God puts on in Idaho will always top it!  I just revel in the majesty every time I see the sun rise and set.

Amazingly enough, He also does some mighty things in our lives as well!  His power, creativity, and love are written all over the pages of each day!  Oh how I wish that so often I didn't forget to stop and stand in awe of His presence.

Today, I am reminded to rejoice and give Him the glory!
  • A date with my hubby!  I sure love my man!
  • Youth Sunday was a reminder of the blessing it is to be a part of a church family for such a long time.  This week we come to the completion of 19 years as pastors of our church.  God is so good to us!
  • Lyssa and Jered (her boyfriend) made us dinner one night while we sat out at a baseball game in 110 degree weather.  Words cannot describe the blessing it is when your kids start doing thoughtful things for you.
  • Kyle helped me with the grocery shopping one day and I enjoyed our time together.  I'm thinking one day he'll make a pretty fine husband.
  • Yesterday, our living room was full of ladies from my church, and as I looked around the room I reveled at the blessing they are in my life.  I love hearing them laugh and chit-chat, watching them encourage one another, and seeing how they speak God's love and truth into each other's lives.
  • VBS planning has been a bit harried lately, but God made the rough places smooth.  I just marvel that when I am weak and weary, He is strong and faithful!
Lord, I rejoice in you and want to give you all the glory and praise.  Thank you for the many evidences of your protecting, guiding, providing, and love over my family.  You're an amazing God and I pray that our lives glorify you in all that we say and do.  You are growing up my babies and I see your mighty hand watching over them.  I pray that they know the power and joy of your resurrection, and the preciousness of your daily presence in their comings and goings.  Oh how I love you, my Savior and God.  You alone are all that we need!


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