I remember in vivid detail the day I left Alyssa at home by herself for the first time. I know that Lyss barely blinked an eye, but me? Worry, fret, and concern.
Here I was sitting at Kyle's t-ball game and she was home all alone. Did I teach her all she needed to know to be safe? Would she answer the door if someone knocked? What if the house caught on fire? (Dramatic thoughts, I know.) What if she got hurt? Would she make wise choices about what to do?
Even back then I had a cell phone and it didn't ever leave my hand in case she called with a need.
Now my "babies" are older I've had to learn to trust that they are okay when they are away from me. It doesn't help to lock them up and keep them from the world (though the thought has crossed my mind a time or two), Therefore my prayer becomes more about their protection, wisdom and strength as they go out and face life, and believing that God is with them, and the Holy Spirit is the voice guiding them.
I still ask for a phone call here and there though.
Yes, I'm one of "those" moms. (Picture the rolling of eyes.)
Lord, you are the great Protector, our refuge and strength. You are the one with my children at all times and are watching over them as they are coming and going. This world is full of trouble, but you are the one who overcomes. Oh Father, protect Alyssa and Kyle, especially from the evil one of this world. Keep the enemy from any hold on their lives and own them as your son and daughter. Speak tenderly into Alyssa and Kyle's lives and lead them down paths of righteousness. Give them wisdom and discernment in order to make choices that bring abundant life. Lord, watch over my babies.

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